Microsoft Office 365 accounts mixed up - business vs personal
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Saturday, June 27, 2020
View Count: 1690, Keywords: Microsoft, Office 365, Exchange, Personal, Work, Messed up, Hashtags: #Microsoft #Office365 #Exchange #Personal #Work #Messedup
So, you are a business owner or client and your Exchange email reseller administration vendor moves you from their exchange solution to the office 365 outlook solution at Microsoft.
Here is the problem.
If you have your business email address already in Microsoft Live, SSO, or what have you for personal subscriptions, and the same business email address is used to create the Office 365 business portal, there will be a conflict.
Solution: login to and with your personal side login, add another email address to your account, and make it primary, and then remove your business email address from the personal side of Microsoft live portal.
It does take 24 hours for the alias primary add removal to take affect, but it works. Just remember your personal subscriptions and licenses linked to your personal side are now with your personal email address, not your work email address.
Your work email address will now help you manage your business office 365 side of Microsoft.
Remember, your personal email address should have always been used for personal Microsoft products instead of your business email address; yet then again, when you probably created your Microsoft Live account for Microsoft products, the business portal did not exist and you could not really specify the different except when that weird message sometimes appears; work or personal login.
With your personal email managing your personal software, and your business email managing your business software, now it makes sense, and the two don't get confused or mixed up. Make sure to update your credit cards on file as well in case you need and any type of security recovery questions and mobile phone number, and recovery email addresses.
Now, to verify what you have done is correct, just open Word or Excel 365, click on the Account (bottom left) menu item and verify your business email address is used to activate and subscribe your Office 365 product, and the Manage Account button takes you directly to the business office portal side of 365 without any conflict.
that's it.
more to come....
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