Computer Repair versus Buying New
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, May 3, 2020
View Count: 932, Keywords: Computer Repair, Buying New, Comparison, Benefits, Risks, Hashtags: #ComputerRepair #BuyingNew #Comparison #Benefits #Risks
Over the last 30 years, the PC was king. Then the laptop, then the tablet, then the mobile phone. Yes, yes, there are the mainframes and big iron (I call it) that lives in immense storage and building protections.
After a few years of usage, does the device you purchased or received as a gift require maintenance and repair or just replacement and upgrade?
Let's break it down.
1. Buying your first computer: what are you going to use it for? personal or business? how much can you afford?
2. Upgrading your computer: does is require significant upgrade or minor upgrades?
3. The dilemma of PC, laptop, tablet or phone: which device type works best for you for personal or work? both? replace versus upgrade?
more to come...
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