So many bugs, Windows versus Linux
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Friday, April 24, 2020
View Count: 2143, Keywords: Windows OS Bugs, Linux OS Bugs, Comparison, Rate of Error, Hashtags: #WindowsOSBugs #LinuxOSBugs #Comparison #RateofError
Which is better? Microsoft or Linux? in comparison to bugs? Its hard to tell unless Microsoft allows their bug tracking to be fully exposed like Linux does in their bug tracking and distributions. Maybe one day. Maybe not. We can only hope.
A few months ago, I even hinted at Microsoft to open source their Windows 7 along with all the bugs so the rest of the world could take it over and continue its greatness. Sort of like Windows NT, 98SE, etc.
It's amazing when I worked at Microsoft our bug list was about anywhere from 2000-3000 bugs per day per month on Microsoft Word for Windows (1.1-2.0), and those were ranked and scored from #1 to #3 in priority; #1 were red and dangerous, #2 were usability, and #3 were cosmetic.
Fast forward a few years, and the bug tracking got really crazy, as well as, the number of applications, releases, OS variations, etc.
Even my FreeBSD only had a few updates per month. Maybe that had to do with enhancements, usability and updates - much less or much less exposed to the dreaded BSOD (blue screen of death) that Microsoft so bravely tried to maneuver away from day after day, presentation after presentation.
My oh my what has the world come to? This latest transparent report gives me hope and sadness. Being part of that machine that just keeps grinding its gears and snarling traffic - crushing and making users shake their head in disbelief and still, we go back to the trough for more.
In comparison, are the number of Linux OS bugs relatively less or not? Who knows. How can we tell. Which is better? Which is more secure, safe, fast, fun, and easy?
Just the
Debian bug tracking is amazing in itself. wish Microsoft had theirs made public and regularly up to date.
more to come...
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