Keeping up with Windows 10 after escaping from it and joining Linux Mint
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2020
View Count: 1271, Keywords: Keeping Up with Windows 10, After the Escape to Linux Mint, Hashtags: #KeepingUpwithWindows10 #AftertheEscapetoLinuxMint
I was asked, since escaping and leaving Windows 10 operating system, how do I keep up to date with all the Windows 10 issues, features, updates, applications, and more?
Easy answer: For nearly 20 years, the same issues have plagued Windows on every version regardless of the updates and applications. Here is the list of things that have never changed.
1. Permissions are the root of all problems.
2. Application developers and their products will always have bugs and forced updates.
3. File sharing and wireless printing always hiccups during a power outage and security update.
How do I know? because I have dealt with that for nearly 30 years over every operating system both server and client side, application, email, file sharing, printing, networking (wireless and wired), policies (GPOs), security, etc.
BIG NOTE: The ACPI sleep and hibernation on Windows is the best way to
crash hard drives and operating systems and limit their life. I knew it and always worked with my clients to limit their risk to this exposure. Little did I know today, I just heard and confirmed this from a EE from Honeywell and IBM, he said that this problem is an MBA at work to force
replacement and limited life span of overall technology. Doh! Forced Obsolescence is an Ivy League MBA type of mentality I just can't quite shake. I hate those Ivy League folks. Why
is that so? Look at the call and support stats, support calls, and
failed drives after 1 year of sleep and/or hibernation. This is not a
solid state drive system and even then, power fluctuations like brown
outs are your worst enemy. Microsoft never got ACPI power management
right. You know what I mean if you are in the support world. A wake up
or return from sleep or hibernation is never pretty after a power outage
or fluctuation.
BACKUPS : The one thing that has not failed once is the backup of data over multiple sets and rolling backups, both into the cloud and offline, in warm and cold storage. This is not because of Microsoft, it is because N+3 mentality when it comes to data backups, business continuity and disaster recovery.
In addition, troubleshooting, designing, deploying and supporting is easy within these frameworks once you know how to ask the right questions, predict the patterns, and ask people their history of when, how, who and what happened prior, during and next. Basically, open and closed ended questions (the funneling technique).
I may have advanced degrees and computing and engineering yet 18 years growing up on a farm taught me out how troubleshoot things and be mechanically inclined. Don't forget your roots and great customer service.
An ex-Honeywell and ex-IBM engineer told me this: being an engineer is easy. The business side is complicated and made so by the Ivy League idiots that control the board rooms and finances. They never did get it right when it comes to knowing engineering. They loved the game of forcing people to repurchase that which they already owned. That was not fair. Yet, they controlled the board room and the finances. So, they controlled the results. For him, and me, we knew the truth. He predicts all the Ivy League un-ethicals eventually went to jail and hell and they were not allowed to push their lies and deceit to the faithful. (ergo a Dune reference)
more to come...
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