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Living with Linux Mint 19.3 after escaping from Windows 10

Microsoft Windows Linux Tux

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, April 19, 2020

View Count: 1409, Keywords: Escaping Windows 10, Living with Linux Mint, Hashtags: #EscapingWindows10 #LivingwithLinuxMint

It's been 4 plus months since escaping from Windows 10 and living on Linux Mint for good. The usability and performance is astounding.
What have I learned?
1. Remote support to my Windows 10 business and retail clients from Linux Mint 19.3 via Teamviewer for Linux is easy!!!
2. Printing is easier on Linux and faster.
3. All my favorite Internet browsers work justt like on Windows; no uphill learning curve there.
Performance and speed is exception. I give Windows 10 v1909 a 7 star rating and Linux Mint 19.3 a 10 star rating.
4. Database programming is a bit trickier in the workbench on mySQL than SMSS SQL Server 2019.
5. Disk management is justt as fun. Glad I know the terminal command.
6. I do type in my sudo password a lot more on Linux to do regular I/O and Application work.
7. Libre Office is so much better than Microsoft Office 2019, and free!!
8. Antivirus and Firewall management is a lot easier!!
9. Networking is not as hard.
10. Driver support is just fine. No need to worry about incompatibility this or that.
11. Filezilla and File I/O copy and transfers are faster.
12. Software Manager and management libraries are so much easier.
I have more usability and performance details to share.
REF: LinkedIn Reference Post
more to come...

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