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Spring time and turning on sprinklers - tips and advice

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Thursday, April 9, 2020

View Count: 968, Keywords: Spring time, Yard and Lawn, Sprinklers, Timers, Tips, Advice, Hashtags: #Springtime #YardandLawn #Sprinklers #Timers #Tips #Advice

It's that time of year again - the time to turn on your sprinklers for your yard and lawn.
My tips and advice are:
1. set your station watering times and duration properly.
2. If you fertilized during the winter months like you should, your yard should perk up fast
3. get rid of the winter leaves and debris quickly
4. start to edge and trim
5. aeration and thatching is important. the right rake will do the job
6. if you have bulbs coming up, be careful to not damage them
7. if you have neighbors that are close, help them with their yard clean up if you can
8. watch your water bill and make sure you don't have sprinkler leaks
more to come...

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