Switching computers, swapping m.2 hard drives wont post - BIOS CSM vs UEFI
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, March 22, 2020
View Count: 1144, Keywords: Switching computers, swapping m.2 drives, CSM, UEFI, BIOS, Hashtags: #Switchingcomputers #swappingm.2drives #CSM #UEFI #BIOS
So, i was swapping out my 3700X for my 3950X development workstation and just wanted to swap the m.2 drives and guess what, it would POST direct to the BIOS instead of my m.2 when I did so. I even chose the m2. to boot to looking for grub2 but nada.
I remembered in Windows this issue about legacy versus UEFI versus MBR vs GPT so I said, probably UEFI vs Legacy vs CSM.
Note: Same board, same ram, same m.2 hard drive, same everything, except the BIOS of each I had not noticed prior to boot or load of Linux Mint. It would not have mattered. We have swapped drives before between nearly identical machines to have them post and boot just fine.
So what could it be? the m.2 using Linux Mint 19.2 would not freak out too much. Serialization, activation was not an issue. What could it be?
Wait? the BIOS mode could be UEFI or CSM and the Linux Mint was not setting my drives to GPT yet MBR.
That worked. Switch from UEFI to CSM Boot and all was good. Linux Mint popped right up for login, otherwise in UEFI mode boots direct to BIOS.
REF: a related page and info:
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