Linux Mint, latest news on my journey from Windows 10
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, February 16, 2020
View Count: 1514, Keywords: Linux Mint, Journey, Windows 10, Updates, Performance, Stability, Hashtags: #LinuxMint #Journey #Windows10 #Updates #Performance #Stability
It has now been nearly 2 weeks on Linux Mint 100% since leaving Windows 10 and here are my journey notes:
1. my new hardware c/o Newegg and Amazon is: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X which originally had the 3950X; with 64GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance 3000 (which was 128GB), with the MSI X570 Gaming board, with stock Wraith AMD cooler (idle 36-45c, under load 50-70c, then the case is DIY Green Computer, 600 Watt Gigabyte 80 Bronze Power Supply, 1TB Samsung EVO 970 NVMe drive, and Linux Mint 19.3
2. Psensor and ClamAV w/TK first thing installed after the OS installation
3. Messed around with Spyder3 under Python 2.7 until I switched to Anaconda and Python 3 and Spyder4. had to add the Spyder4 menu item which did not get put into place by default. conda install worked fine.
4. Looked for a good PFE32 notepad replacement and tried three each (sublime, notepadqq, nano) and stayed with Notepadqq with Matrix theme for now. I like the green, and HTML settings.
5. I use mozilla firefox on my HP 25" left monitor, and google chrome on my ASUS 27" right monitor.
6. I have two each Logi 920 HD 1080 webcams for my Project OBS recording sessions
7. my network connection is not wireless yet wired at 1GB/s via Charter Spectrum 100/10 for $69/month.
8. my Teamviewer business license transferred from Windows to Linux platform and a few things don't work like keystroke forwarding yet that's about it. the rest I use like file transfers and multiple connections is fine to clients, servers, mac's, and others just fine.
9. I ran up Phoronix Test Suite and benchmarked a few things like the CPU, Memory and Hard drive. That was about it. Stellar results.
10. Updates are stable and fine. EOL is 2023 for 19.3 under Ubuntu 18.04
11. Codeweaver Crossover 18.5 installed and Microsoft Office 2019 transferred just fine under Office 2016 bottle.
12. what else? hmmmm.....oh yeah, I purchased 4 each of Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR4 3000 (single chip), 2 separate orders of 2 each, and then got hit with a LIMIT to 1 per 48 hour period. That sort of sucks, and they kicked my orders back a few times, yet I persisted. I will have 6 each 32GB 3000 DDR4 soon enough for the 3 test builds and 2 will be resold shortly, and the last has a new home already.
13. my ole alienware aurora is still running on the back benches are is a nice memory...transferred most of my stuff off of it, and backed up my data.
14. Now picking a language and IDE for Linux Mint. Lazarus was something I started on Windows, and know that its rich language (pascal) with forms is pretty cross platform impressive, much like XAML. What is my language of choice going to be? Does not really matter since the applications I am running need to be cross platform anyhow anymore.
15. the GoGreen PC TuneUp development and release platform still remains on my alienware because of the code signing, vb6 pro, and other things like scripting, batches, and innosetup setup build release tools.
16. I'm not really worried much about the switch from Windows 10 because the more horror stories I hear and see from my clients on Windows 10 the more I just have to cringe. I'll support them because that is how I get paid, yet, being more Linux administration friendly is like my ole System V UNIX days and FreeBSD days in the 1990s.
17. I released two YouTube videos via Linux Mint that I used to do on Windows 10. I am just fine with that. the Adobe CS4 Photoshop for creating my thumbnails I'll need to switch to GIMP. For now, the auto thumbnail on YouTube Studio works for the type of videos I am releasing.
18. I do have heavier and more robust air pipe cooling solutions in hand for my AMD 3950X and the Linux Mint platform I will install to handle my database and cloud application needs. I thought about NZXT water cooling yet held off for the moment because the reviews are still very mixed. Big heat pipes (6 pipes or more) seem to be the ticket. Let's finish those test builds and temp monitoring under load and see how that ends up being back in this build.
19. Oh, yeah, I do miss my Visual Studio and SQL Server development platform. Good stuff! my blockchain work can continue more easily on Linux than it did on Windows.
20. If you love Microsoft as I did, then leaving it again crushs me like leaving Microsoft Corporate back in 1993 and 1997. yet, Microsoft I gave so much to, and they gave me back a good percentage until I was no longer needed, as I am of them now.
more to come...
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