Project, Programming and Code management and people management
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Friday, January 24, 2020
View Count: 1224, Keywords: Forbes, Clubhouse, Atlassian Jira,, Hashtags: #Forbes #Clubhouse #AtlassianJira
I find the latest article on project, people, programming, code management under one umbrella of Clubhouse and Atlassian Jira much like what the hopes are of at face value.
Is that true? Combining project, people, programming and product management under one umbrella is like the holy grail of SAP on technical and non-technical steroids.
I must be missing something because ERP, CRM, GIT, and so forth in terms of enterprise wide global solution management is just regurgitation of the same thing over and over with a different shiny bumper and fuzzy dice with a different name and a whole bunch of startup money.
That would be fun to be part of a major startup that just regurgitated a platform solution to be all inclusive and competitive on a shoestring budget and just worked, and avoid hacking pitfalls all together.
Did I read where was trying to do this already?
more to come...
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