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VB6 mathematics and color examples - sample code

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, October 6, 2019

View Count: 1283, Keywords: VB6, Art, Math, Trig, Colors, Hashtags: #VB6 #Art #Math #Trig #Colors

This is a freebie to those that want to play with graphics and mathematics and timers and some degree of logic and looping, and colors and APIs -- those that like to play with trigonometry and colors and code samples.
This has nothing to do with the Go Green PC Tune Up™
This has to do a few days of playing with vb6 coding colors and math and some output and screen management. Remember, you can create something like this in C# and VB.Net not just Visual Basic 6 Professional.
Have fun and enjoy. The screen shots help with the UI.
Link to the ZIP file with the code sample and the EXE that you can run right away and play.

'copyright mountain computers inc 2019 all rights reserved
'used with permission from andrew flagg
'please contact mountain computers if you wish to commercialize any part of this code
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)


Private Type ChooseColorStruct
    lStructSize As Long
    hwndOwner As Long
    hInstance As Long
    rgbResult As Long
    lpCustColors As Long
    flags As Long
    lCustData As Long
    lpfnHook As Long
    lpTemplateName As String
End Type

Private Declare Function ChooseColor Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "ChooseColorA" _
    (lpChoosecolor As ChooseColorStruct) As Long
Private Declare Function OleTranslateColor Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal lOleColor _
    As Long, ByVal lHPalette As Long, lColorRef As Long) As Long

Private Const CC_RGBINIT = &H1&
Private Const CC_FULLOPEN = &H2&
Private Const CC_SHOWHELP = &H8&
Private Const CC_ENABLEHOOK = &H10&
Private Const CC_ENABLETEMPLATE = &H20&
Private Const CC_SOLIDCOLOR = &H80&
Private Const CC_ANYCOLOR = &H100&
Private Const CLR_INVALID = &HFFFF

Private Sub BtnBeta_Click()

'SC.Top = GG.Top + GG.Height
'SC.Left = GG.Left
'Call realign_windows
'Call t15
End Sub

Private Sub BtnGenerate_Click()
If HH.Combo1.Text = "Select Formula" Then
    o.AddItem "Select Formula to Generate"
    Select Case HH.Combo1.Text
    Case "kscope"
        o.AddItem "kscope generating"
    Case Else
    End Select
End If
End Sub

Private Sub BtnPickColor_Click()
Dim b
b = ShowColorDialog
Debug.Print b
HH.Shape1.FillStyle = 0
HH.Shape1.FillColor = b
End Sub

Private Sub BtnRefresh_Click()
Call realign_windows
HH.ChkStopAll.Value = 0
HH.BtnStopAll.Caption = "&Stop All"
End Sub

Private Sub BtnStopAll_Click()
If HH.ChkStopAll.Value = 0 Then
    HH.ChkStopAll.Value = 1
    HH.BtnStopAll.Caption = "&Clear"
    HH.ChkStopAll.Value = 0
    HH.BtnStopAll.Caption = "&Stop All"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Combo1.Text = "Select Formula"
Me.Combo1.AddItem ("mbrot")
Me.Combo1.AddItem ("kscope")
Me.Combo1.AddItem ("8502")
Me.Combo1.AddItem ("other")

Me.Shape1.FillStyle = 0
Me.Shape1.FillColor = vbBlack

x1 = GG.Left
y1 = GG.Top
x2 = GG.Width
y2 = GG.Height

Call load_tbsubs
Call realign_windows
Call setTimerDelay

GG.Print "You can resize and reset this form - click Refresh to clear it"
GG.Print "Click Stop All and Clear to interrupt the current output"
GG.Print "You can change color with Pick Color"
GG.Print "in the middle of a graphic demo and tb function"
GG.Print "tb14 tb15 and tb19 are some of my favorites"
GG.Print "The scratch pad window yellow indicates the function purpose"

End Sub

Private Sub BtnExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub o_DblClick()
'call function
Dim c

Call realign_windows

If Left(o.Text, Len("sub tb")) = "sub tb" Then
    c = Val(Right(o.Text, Len(o.Text) - Len("sub tb")))
    'Debug.Print c
    Select Case c
    Case 1
        Call t1
    Case 2
        Call t2
    Case 3
        Call t3
    Case 4
        Call t4
    Case 5
        Call t5
    Case 6
        Call t6
    Case 7
        Call t7
    Case 8
        Call t8
    Case 9
        Call t9
    Case 10
        Call t10
    Case 11
        Call t11
    Case 12
        Call t12
    Case 13
        Call t13
    Case 14
        Call t14
    Case 15
        Call t15
    Case 16
        Call t16
    Case 17
        Call t17
    Case 18
        Call t18
    Case 19
        Call t19
    Case 20
        Call t20
    Case Else
    End Select
End If

End Sub

Sub realign_windows()
Debug.Print "realign_windows()"
GG.Left = HH.Left + HH.Width
GG.Top = HH.Top
SC.Left = GG.Left
SC.Top = GG.Top + GG.Height
End Sub

Sub load_tbsubs()
Debug.Print "load_tbsubs()"
'function tb1-?
Dim v
v = 0
For v = 1 To 20
    o.AddItem "sub tb" & v

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub

Sub t1()
SC.Label1 = "create line, randomize"
Dim x, Y

Debug.Print Rnd

While x < 1000
     x = x + 1
     Y = Y + 1
    GG.PSet (x, Y), HH.Shape1.FillColor

End Sub

Sub t2()

SC.Label1 = "create circle"
GG.ScaleMode = 1
GG.Circle (ScaleWidth / 2, ScaleHeight / 2), Switch(ScaleWidth >= ScaleHeight, ScaleHeight / 2, ScaleWidth < ScaleHeight, ScaleWidth / 2)

End Sub

Sub t3()

SC.Label1 = "say hello in window and picture"
SC.CurrentX = ScaleWidth / 4
SC.CurrentY = ScaleHeight / 4
SC.FontBold = True
SC.FontSize = 12
SC.Print "Hello from Visual Basic"

SC.Picture1.CurrentX = SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth / 4
SC.Picture1.CurrentY = SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight / 4
SC.Picture1.FontSize = 12
SC.Picture1.Print "Hello from Visual Basic"

End Sub
Sub t4()

SC.Label1.Caption = "list fonts, doevents()"

'this can be a long one

Dim x
x = 0

Dim intLoopIndex As Integer

For intLoopIndex = 0 To Screen.FontCount
    SC.Text1.Text = x & "). " & Screen.Fonts(intLoopIndex) & vbCrLf & SC.Text1.Text
    x = x + 1
    If ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out
Next intLoopIndex


End Sub

Sub t5()

SC.Label1 = "increase text1 as new font object"
Dim Font1 As New StdFont
Font1.Size = 24
Font1.Name = "Arial"
Set SC.Text1.Font = Font1

End Sub

Sub t6()

SC.Label1 = "create crossed lines"

GG.Line (0, 0)-(ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight)
GG.Line (ScaleWidth, 0)-(0, ScaleHeight)

SC.Picture1.Line (0, 0)-(SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth, SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight)
SC.Picture1.Line (SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth, 0)-(0, SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight)

End Sub

Sub t7()
SC.Label1 = "create line"
GG.Line (ScaleWidth / 2, ScaleHeight / 2)-(2 * ScaleWidth / 2, 2 * ScaleHeight / 2)

End Sub

Sub t8()

SC.Label1 = "create box in window and picture"

GG.DrawStyle = vbDash
GG.Line (ScaleWidth / 7, ScaleHeight / 4)-(1.4 * ScaleWidth / 6, 2 * ScaleHeight / 4)

GG.DrawStyle = vbSolid
GG.FillColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
GG.FillStyle = vbFSSolid
GG.Line (ScaleWidth / 4, ScaleHeight / 4)-(3 * ScaleWidth / 4, 3 * ScaleHeight / 4)

'FF0000 blue, 0000FF red,
SC.Picture1.FillColor = &HFF0000
SC.Picture1.FillStyle = 0
SC.Picture1.Line (SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth / 4, SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight / 4)-(3 * SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth / 4, 3 * SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight / 4)

End Sub

Sub t9()
SC.Label1 = "create elipse in window and picture"
GG.Circle (ScaleWidth / 2, ScaleHeight / 2), Switch(ScaleWidth >= ScaleHeight, ScaleHeight / 2, ScaleWidth < ScaleHeight, ScaleWidth / 2), &HFF, , , 0.6
SC.Picture1.Circle (SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth / 2, SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2), Switch(SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth >= SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight, SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2, SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth < _
SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight, SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth / 2), &HFF0000, , , 0.6

End Sub

Sub t10()
SC.Label1 = "create arc in window and picture"
GG.Circle (ScaleWidth / 2, ScaleHeight / 2), Switch(ScaleWidth >= ScaleHeight, ScaleHeight / 2, ScaleWidth < ScaleHeight, ScaleWidth / 2), &HFF, , 2.14, 0.6
SC.Picture1.Circle (SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth / 2, SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2), Switch(SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth >= SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight, SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2, SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth < _
SC.Picture1.ScaleHeight, SC.Picture1.ScaleWidth / 2), &HFF0000, , 2.14, 0.6
End Sub

Sub t11()

Dim intLoopIndex As Integer
For intLoopIndex = 1 To 9
    DrawWidth = intLoopIndex
    GG.Line (0, intLoopIndex * ScaleHeight / 10)-(ScaleWidth, intLoopIndex * ScaleHeight / 10)
    If ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out
Next intLoopIndex
DrawMode = vbInvert
DrawWidth = 10
GG.Line (0, 0)-(ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight)
GG.Line (0, ScaleHeight)-(ScaleWidth, 0)

End Sub

Sub t12()
SC.Label1 = "show print array"
Dim prt As Printer
For Each prt In Printers
    GG.Print prt.DeviceName
    Debug.Print prt.DeviceName

Debug.Print Printer.DeviceName
End Sub

Sub t13()
SC.Label1 = "create mesh in window"

x1 = 1
y1 = 1
x2 = 1
y2 = 1

Dim s
's step

For s = 2 To 10

GG.ScaleMode = vbPixels

For y1 = 1 To GG.ScaleHeight Step s

    GG.Line (1, y1)-(GG.ScaleWidth, GG.ScaleHeight - y1), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    If ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out

Next y1

For x1 = 1 To GG.ScaleWidth Step s

    GG.Line (x1, 1)-(GG.ScaleWidth - x1, GG.ScaleHeight), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    If ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out
Next x1

Sleep 1000

Next s

End Sub

Sub t14()
SC.Label1 = "create random lines in window"

ScaleMode = vbPixels
'initial starting points for x and y
Dim l
For l = 1 To 100
    x1 = Rnd * GG.Width
    y1 = Rnd * GG.Height
    x2 = Rnd * GG.Width
    y2 = Rnd * GG.Height

    'Debug.Print l & ") (" & x1 & ", " & y1 & "),(" & x2 & ", " & y2 & ")"
    GG.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), HH.Shape1.FillColor

End Sub

Sub t15()
SC.Label1 = "create random bouncing rays in window"
ScaleMode = vbTwips
'initial starting points for x and y
x1 = Rnd * GG.Width
y1 = Rnd * GG.Height
x2 = Rnd * GG.Width
y2 = Rnd * GG.Height

'Debug.Print "initial line " & GG.Width & " : " & x1 & ", " & GG.Height & " : " & y1

'draw initial line
GG.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), HH.Shape1.FillColor

'prepare to move it down and to the right until it hits boundaries

Dim l, s
Dim dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2

's = step, not yet working
'l = loop
l = 0
s = 50

dx1 = s
dy1 = s

dx2 = s
dy2 = s

For l = 1 To 5000

'lets get a direction

'extent of right and bottom boundaries
If x1 > GG.Width Then
    dx1 = -s
End If

If x2 > GG.Width Then
    dx2 = -s
End If

If y1 > GG.Height Then
    dy1 = -s
End If

If y2 > GG.Height Then
    dy2 = -s
End If

'extent of top and left boundaries
If x1 < 1 Then
    dx1 = s
End If

If x2 < 1 Then
    dx2 = s
End If

If y1 < 1 Then
    dy1 = s
End If

If y2 < 1 Then
    dy2 = s
End If

x1 = Round(x1 + dx1, 0)
x2 = Round(x2 + dx2, 0)
y1 = Round(y1 + dy1, 0)
y2 = Round(y2 + dy2, 0)

'Debug.Print l & ") (" & x1 & ", " & y1 & "),(" & x2 & ", " & y2 & ")"
GG.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), HH.Shape1.FillColor

If Val(TimerDelay.Text) > 0 Then
    Sleep Val(TimerDelay.Text)
End If

If HH.ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out
Next l


End Sub
Sub t16()
SC.Label1 = "sine waves"
'draw a sine wave
Dim x, Y
x = 1

While x < GG.Width
    'Debug.Print x & ", " & Y
    Y = (Sin(x) * 1500) + GG.Height / 2
    'GG.Line (x, y)-(x, y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    GG.PSet (x, Y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    x = x + 1
    If ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out


End Sub

Sub t17()
SC.Label1 = "cosine waves"
'draw a sine wave
Dim x, Y
x = 1

While x < GG.Width
    'Debug.Print x & ", " & Y
    Y = (Cos(x) * 1500) + GG.Height / 2
    'GG.Line (x, y)-(x, y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    GG.PSet (x, Y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    x = x + 1
    If ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out


End Sub

Sub t18()

SC.Label1 = "tangent waves"
'draw a sine wave
Dim x, Y
x = 1

While x < GG.Width
    'Debug.Print x & ", " & Y
    Y = (Tan(x) * 1000) + GG.Height / 2
    'GG.Line (x, y)-(x, y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    GG.PSet (x, Y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    x = x + 1
    If ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out


End Sub

Sub t19()

SC.Label1 = "arc tangent waves"
'draw a sine wave
Dim x, Y
x = 1

While x < GG.Width
    'Debug.Print x & ", " & Y
    Y = (1 / (Tan(x)) * 1000) + GG.Height / 2
    'GG.Line (x, y)-(x, y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    GG.PSet (x, Y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    x = x + 1
    If ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out

End Sub

Sub t20()

SC.Label1 = "csc waves"
'draw a sine wave
Dim x, Y
x = 1

While x < GG.Width
    'Debug.Print x & ", " & Y
    Y = ((1 / Sin(x)) * 500) + GG.Height / 2
    'GG.Line (x, y)-(x, y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    GG.PSet (x, Y), HH.Shape1.FillColor
    x = x + 1
    If ChkStopAll.Value = 1 Then GoTo out

End Sub

' Show the common dialog for choosing a color.
' Return the chosen color, or -1 if the dialog is canceled
' hParent is the handle of the parent form
' bFullOpen specifies whether the dialog will be open with the Full style
' (allows to choose many more colors)
' InitColor is the color initially selected when the dialog is open

' Example:
'    Dim oleNewColor As OLE_COLOR
'    oleNewColor = ShowColorsDialog(Me.hwnd, True, vbRed)
'    If oleNewColor <> -1 Then Me.BackColor = oleNewColor

Function ShowColorDialog(Optional ByVal hParent As Long, _
    Optional ByVal bFullOpen As Boolean, Optional ByVal InitColor As OLE_COLOR) _
    As Long
    Dim CC As ChooseColorStruct
    Dim aColorRef(15) As Long
    Dim lInitColor As Long

    ' translate the initial OLE color to a long value
    If InitColor <> 0 Then
        If OleTranslateColor(InitColor, 0, lInitColor) Then
            lInitColor = CLR_INVALID
        End If
    End If

    'fill the ChooseColorStruct struct
    With CC
        .lStructSize = Len(CC)
        .hwndOwner = hParent
        .lpCustColors = VarPtr(aColorRef(0))
        .rgbResult = lInitColor
        .flags = CC_SOLIDCOLOR Or CC_ANYCOLOR Or CC_RGBINIT Or IIf(bFullOpen, _
            CC_FULLOPEN, 0)
    End With

    ' Show the dialog
    If ChooseColor(CC) Then
        'if not canceled, return the color
        ShowColorDialog = CC.rgbResult
        'else return -1
        ShowColorDialog = -1
    End If
End Function

Sub setTimerDelay()
Debug.Print "setTimerDelay"
TimerDelay.Text = "10"
TimerDelay.AddItem "0"
TimerDelay.AddItem "1"
TimerDelay.AddItem "5"
TimerDelay.AddItem "10"
TimerDelay.AddItem "20"

End Sub

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