The battle was always on -- AMD vs Intel - AMD Wins hands down
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Thursday, September 5, 2019
View Count: 1276, Keywords: AMD, Intel, Performance, AMD Wins by Landslide, Hashtags: #AMD #Intel #Performance #AMDWinsbyLandslide
Intel is going to need to release their processors designed to be released in the year 2050 a whole lot sooner.
In the year 2000, Intel had earth shattering technology that they knew could not be released until the year 2050 because it would upset the entire computing planet and pricing and profit strategy for their company, shareholders and the world. They knew to hold back and slowly eek out technology improvements just to keep the public happy and paying out billions per year for minuscule advancements.
Suddenly, the year is 2010, and AMD comes to the forefront as a contender. Fast forward to the year 2020, and in less than 10 years, AMD has shown Intel, its time to release the Cracken, release the Hounds, and unleash the technology that was not meant until 2050.
What will Intel do? Is the government with their advance super computing tech that has not seen the light of day, nor the USPTO office, be dropped into the mainstream? Is the tech too hot to handle? Will it be the evolution to Sky Net and AI gone wrong? Not sure from my standpoint.
Will that give us lower prices at the gas pump, lower food and housing prices, long life, no disease, and interplanetary space travel? Will aliens come to greet us? If the aliens already knew what we had, and was waiting for us to properly handle it, and then let us join the galaxy, then I get it. We are children in their eyes when it comes to responsibly expanding our DNA into the universe, or did we come from the Universe and are just now becoming aware of our galactic existence was already.
aside from the colloquial nature of this post, please feel free to read the benchmark data of AMD versus Intel, the latest battle from a good source:
save your clam shells in terms of dollars and let the price drop in about 5 years to be available in a retailer near you.
more to come...
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