Summer time and the morning walk
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2019
View Count: 1017, Keywords: Summertime, Morning Walks, Refreshing, Hashtags: #Summertime #MorningWalks #Refreshing
Whatever your worries, thinking and daily challenges - a morning walk solves all of it if you let the walk help you relax and open your mind to what is really important.
In a snap, your life is over, and then what do you do? That's right. Nadda. Just enjoy whatever afterlife is coming to you.
When I walk, I see trees, blue skies, and occasionally a face if they are not looking down at their phone totally oblivious to the morning freshness and beauty.
This morning, walking around UNR camps from Morrill Hall all the way to the Wolf Pack stadium and back, enjoying the sprinklers, students just walking up early (those that do), 6:30am-ish, and the facilities workers who are busy about their daily tasks.
Amazing how nice it is to live right across the street from the beautiful University of Nevada Reno campus, walk around it every other day, the other day I walk through downtown Reno, through the casinos, to the river, over to Wingfield Park, up to Idylwild park, back down to Greater Nevada Field, and then back home aka store.
enjoy your life.
more to come...
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