Morning walks - watching the moon and jetliners in the sky
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Monday, August 26, 2019
View Count: 965, Keywords: Airline, JetLiners, Morning Walks, The Moon, Hashtags: #Airline #JetLiners #MorningWalks #TheMoon
When I walk in the morning before sunrise, when I look up in the sky and see a sliver of the moon, and near it a jet liner, I wonder, where are they going.
Every time I see an airliner, jet or even birds, geese, I wonder, where did they come from and where are they going?
For me, I have jet's figured out from where I am in Reno Nevada, and when I look up, I can tell what altitude and what probably city and country they are headed, especially depending on the jet size and type.
Enjoy your day. For some, the moon is just up there, and airline travel is for some out of reach, but for others, its part of their daily ritual.
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