Companies Selling my Data Be Warned - Stop Doing That - You will Be Sued or worse GCAS
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Thursday, July 18, 2019
View Count: 2475, Keywords: Lawsuit, Data, Tracking, Privacy, EFF, Hashtags: #Lawsuit #Data #Tracking #Privacy #EFF
Companies selling user's traffic and data to the open market for a buck be warned. Your days are numbered!!
You will be sued, and a grand class action suit will follow.
Be warned folks. My data is not for sale. If that is your business model, then stop it right now.
You knew it was wrong when you started and you knew it was wrong to continue.
So get smart, don't wait, stop selling customer's experience data, in fact, stop doing it all together.
Log files are to help figure out if things are running normally on a server(s) and service, not to be auctioned off to 3rd parties to exploit the psychology of citizens.
we should have congress just issuing a massive cease and desist on all data collection on all ISP and Internet service providers and all purveyors of all citizens world wide on the Internet from end to end... why would you need encryption if no one could peek, poke, pull and push your private data from any angle anywhere, anytime, for all time...
for example... facial recognition just got a lot easier and everyone is sharing everyone's face to everyone everywhere... without knowing it or not caring...
more to come...
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