Small business owners managing their own website using WordPress
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Friday, June 7, 2019
View Count: 1064, Keywords: Wordpress, Small Business Owners, Fact, Fallacy, Hashtags: #Wordpress #SmallBusinessOwners #Fact #Fallacy
For nearly 5 years, we have tried to get websites designed and developed and handed off to our clients and customers so they could self manage.
we tried WIX for a while, and that did not work because of SEO weaknesses in their platform. The winner of their WIX $50,000 Challenge was a WordPress solution that was heavily tweaked by a programming team.
So, how can a small business owner manage their own website using WordPress without being able to fully know and optimize their SEO to be listed and compete with the market.
So what do we do. Easy to give WordPress control to a small business owner yet get their SEO dialed in and maintained, that is a different and challenging question and answer.
Themeisle had a nice artcle on this subject that I just read and want to elaborate and explain further that they are missing something... SEO perfection which is needed these days.
the following they state:
"Please bear with me! Here’s why:
- If you know how to make a website on your own, you will save a ton of money on web developers and designers.
- This will also allow you to follow the market trends and put new things on your website without needing a programmer’s help.
- You
will effectively stay ahead of your competition because, while they
have their projects slowed down by the need to consult developers, you
will be able to build most things yourself (within reason, of course)."
i can agree with the bulleted points, they are missing the SEO component.
more to come...
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