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Future outlooks using Roadmaps, Horizon Scanning, Regression InFill

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Thursday, May 16, 2019

View Count: 1121, Keywords: Road maps, Horizon Scanning, Regression InFill, Hashtags: #Roadmaps #HorizonScanning #RegressionInFill

as 2019 we are hitting on all cylinders in 2019, diminishing one area of our business, we are scaling up another area, while the deployment is just barely 12 months in, it's evolving rather quickly.
we are using three things to make things stable and less volatile:
1. road mapping
2. horizon scanning
3. regression infill
what are each of these?
road mapping is based on our vision and mission and what we have done right and performed to plan. horizon scanning is realizing our instincts were right on what was over the horizon and coming, and either acted on things appropriately or waited too long and missed the opportunity and will resist holding back in the future. regression infill is our way of looking at all our assets and seeing what we have optimized and missed in the field of play and double down on clearing waste and expanding value proven assets and resources.
more to come...

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