Shopping for the Basics - Why so many choices?
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, May 5, 2019
View Count: 926, Keywords: Shopping, Choices, Too Many, Hashtags: #Shopping #Choices #TooMany
A couple weeks ago, I needed some light bulbs so I went to home you know how many light bulbs there are on the shelf? hundreds, i mean hundreds. why not just two types? different wattages, 75 and 100 watt? that's it!!! I watched a few guys just staring and going back and forth up and down the aisle looking for what seemed a half hour. For me, 5 minutes max.. that's all it should take...
fast forward to today..
My wifey and I traveled to Costco downtown Reno main location, to get a few things, and wow - it's been almost five years since I have been there and it was packed to the walls with over a million SKUs and not just a few things, I mean bumper to bumper, wall to wall, floor to ceiling -- it was crazy and absolute madness!!
The look on everyone's faces was absolute blank stare them gazing at all the stuff. stuff stuff stuff.... i admit there were a few happy faces and those jolly and giggling, and enjoy their shopping experience but for the vast majority, and I mean vast, it was absolute sadness on their faces... i wonder why?
does all this stuff make you happy? or does all this stuff make you wonder when it will stop and just get back to the basics, yes, the boring basics.
Oh well. until then, happy shopping and don't overdo it.
more to come... amen...
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