Visual Studio 2019, thank you 2017
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019
View Count: 1254, Keywords: Visual Studio, 2019, 2017, Hashtags: #VisualStudio #2019 #2017
For the past month, using Visual Studio Community 2019 on one of my development machines. transferred over two projects to see how they would compile and behave. Worked flawlessly.
Now I am moving my main development system from Visual Studio 2017 to 2019. Its fun to keep up.
Now I just need to get an affordable code signing certificate vendor that is going to be more promising than Godaddy. Godaddy's basic code signing certificate was good until they raised the prices and made their certificates less friendly. probably SSL Manager providers will be a better fit.
NOTE: be sure to uninstall 2017 completely before installing 2019. Just a suggestion. I don't want errant dependencies hanging around.
more to come...
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