Moon, Space, Mars based Nevada companies - Who will be the first?
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Friday, April 26, 2019
View Count: 816, Keywords: Moon, Mars, In Orbit, First Nevada Companies, Hashtags: #Moon #Mars #InOrbit #FirstNevadaCompanies
out of all the companies, which will be the first moon based, space based (in orbit), and Mars based companies from Nevada?
this follows and leads this twitter thread :
Where will be the 1st US "commercial" moon/mars/space port & hub in the United States? - Nevada? Pretty Please. or will it be water based or land based?
Easier to get into space to avoid the weather and major jet streams and
climate? the existing space ports like in Florida southeast vs Nellis Beal for government and non-commerical needs, but a real one like @RenoAirport would be cool. LAX (@flyLAXairport why not SEATAC (@SeaTacAirport. Hmmm... east coast or west coast?? midwest? Happy Friday..
i believe the first Nevada based Workman's Comp organization based on the moon/in orbit/space should be and the first Nevada based commercial DOD development & research company should be
more to come...
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