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Walking around University of Nevada Reno

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Thursday, September 13, 2018

View Count: 1241, Keywords: Nevada Education Creativity, Hashtags: #NevadaEducationCreativity


This morning I decided to take a longer walk than normal. Instead of going from my home and store to downtown Reno and the river walk, I made a right turn and went through the campus at University of Nevada, Reno. It was early, about 7:15am, and I noticed like I usually do the green lawns, the lake and stream, the ducks quacking, and of course the students meandering onto campus.


What I noticed this time around was the look on students faces and how they were not at ease or smiling, just walking and glazed over in their look. Saying good morning to each as I passed by had mixed results. Some you could tell just woke up, and others were deep in thought.


I tend to love the UNR campus, even when I worked there. Walking two blocks from my home to the campus for work every day was great. I have loved working in academic or research environments where learning, sharing, and creating was a significant priority. Even Microsoft's main campus was just that when I worked there in the early 1990s, walking around Building 2, Lake Bill, and the tiny office space called the Microsoft Library that use to be Bill Gate's office. Ah, I digress in great memories.


Back to UNR and my walk - will these students create great things or just be normal? Some were talking about their PhD importance, and while those things are important, I hope self-importance does not out weight value add.


Day 2, another walk through campus yet a little earlier, similar results yet Manzanita Lake was beautiful with the swans, ducks and fountains. Amazing. I asked God if this could be part of my Heaven. He answered "Yes".


more to come..


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