Are you a writer? Are you crazy in your head?
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2019
View Count: 877, Keywords: just get started, writing, publishing, authoring, Hashtags: #justgetstarted #writing #publishing #authoring
Do people think you are funny? Do they like your thinking and/or point of view? If so, or not, just get started writing. If your subject(s) are fiction or non-fiction, one should just do it. Start on paper and pencil or pen, and then move to a typewriter, and then to a computer.
Authoring is an art form to write like you think and have it make sense.
That is how I did it. I actually had a very nice journal of all my ideas and thoughts, yet my Dad told me to throw them away because later in life it might not serve me so well. I rethink doing what my Dad said for whatever his reasoning may have been, but at least I listened to him, and can remember my journals and writings in my head. That is enough for now, but it would have been cool to look back at my thinking and writing. Sort of like finding your college papers decades after you graduate and look at it, and ask, "is that mine? it sure looks like my hand writing and programming. wow! that was so long ago!"
This lady named Christine is a pretty good writer and blogger. We share similar thoughts and thinking from time to time. Read on and more about getting started writing.
more to come...
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