ASP, VBScript, Javascript - Custom Order Material - Plastic Sheet
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Saturday, February 23, 2019
View Count: 17176, Keywords: ASP, VB Script, Javascript, OLE-DB, MS Access, HTML, Custom Order, Hashtags: #ASP #VBScript #Javascript #OLE-DB #MSAccess #HTML #CustomOrder
this is a classic example of custom cut order for materials.
even some of the larger material companies do not have an asp, javascript, database driven working example that works pretty good. wish i still had this operational, but the company has moved on to different solutions if not any at all. this was done back in 2011.. and ran for 7 years successfully
here is the code... enjoy... more to come...
--- p.asp ---
< %
option explicit
response.expires = 0
if request.querystring("method") = "leaveadminmode" then
session("un") = ""
end if
rem title transition variables
dim t1, t2
dim product_description, sheet_description, shoppingcart_total, sheet_style
t1 = ""
t2 = ""
select case request.querystring("sheet_style")
case "full_sheet"
sheet_style= "full_sheet"
sheet_description= "Full Sheet"
case "cut_to_size"
sheet_style= "cut_to_size"
rem sheet_description = ""
rem already set by RS datafield
case else
sheet_style= "full_sheet"
end select
% >
<!--#include virtual="/inc/sqldsn.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="/inc/sqltext.asp"-->
<title>your title</title>
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<body bgcolor="#003399" text="#000000">
< % select case request.querystring("mode") % >
< % case "deleteconfirm" % >
< %
sql = "delete * from products_table"
sql = sql & " WHERE product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & " "
response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
response.write vbcrlf
sql = "delete * from products_detail_table"
sql = sql & " WHERE product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & " "
response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
response.redirect "p.asp"
% >
< % case "deletedetailconfirm" % >
< %
sql = "delete * from products_detail_table"
sql = sql & " WHERE product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & " AND subproduct_id=" & request.querystring("subproduct_id")
response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
response.redirect "p.asp?product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id")
% >
< % case "deleteproduct" % >
< %
sql = "SELECT * FROM products_table p WHERE p.product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & " "
'response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
% >
<form name="deleteproduct" method="POST" action="p.asp?mode=deleteconfirm&product_id=< %=request.querystring("product_id")% >">
<table bgcolor="white" border="0" width="640">
<td colspan="2"><h1><font face="Arial">Delete</font></h1></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Product Description: </font><input name="product_description" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("product_description"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Full Sheet Description: </font><input name="product_full_sheet_size" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("product_full_sheet_size"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Sort Order: </font><input name="sort_order" type="text" size="5" maxsize="50" value="< %=rs("sort_order")% >"></td>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Delete? Are you sure?"></td>
<td> </td>
< % case "edit" % >
< %
sql = "SELECT * FROM products_table p WHERE p.product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & " "
'response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
% >
<form name="edit" method="POST" action="p.asp?mode=updatedescription&product_id=< %=request.querystring("product_id")% >">
<table bgcolor="white" border="0" width="640">
<td colspan="2"><h1><font face="Arial">Edit</font></h1></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Product Description: </font><input name="product_description" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("product_description"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Full Sheet Description: </font><input name="product_full_sheet_size" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("product_full_sheet_size"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Sort Order: </font><input name="sort_order" type="text" size="5" maxsize="50" value="< %=rs("sort_order")% >"></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Visible? </font><select name="active_status">
<option value="< %=rs("active_status")% >" selected>< %=rs("active_status")% ></option>
<option value="True">True</option>
<option value="False">False</option>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Update"></td>
<td> </td>
< % case "editdetail" % >
< %
sql = "SELECT * FROM products_detail_table p WHERE p.product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & " AND subproduct_id =" & request.querystring("subproduct_id")
'response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
% >
<form name="edit" method="POST" action="p.asp?mode=updateproductsdetail&product_id=< %=request.querystring("product_id")% >&subproduct_id=< %=request.querystring("subproduct_id")% >">
<table bgcolor="white" border="0" width="640">
<td colspan="2"><h1><font face="Arial">Edit Sub Product Detail</font></h1></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Sub Product Description: </font><input name="subproduct_description" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("subproduct_description"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Cut to Size $: </font><input name="cut_to_size" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("cut_to_size"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Full Sheet $: </font><input name="full_sheet" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("full_sheet"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Sort Order: </font><input name="sort_order" type="text" size="5" maxsize="50" value="< %=rs("sort_order")% >"></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Visible? </font><select name="active_status">
<option value="< %=rs("active_status")% >" selected>< %=rs("active_status")% ></option>
<option value="True">True</option>
<option value="False">False</option>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Update"></td>
<td> </td>
< % case "deletedetail" % >
< %
sql = "SELECT * FROM products_detail_table p WHERE p.product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & " AND subproduct_id =" & request.querystring("subproduct_id")
'response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
% >
<form name="deletedetail" method="POST" action="p.asp?mode=deletedetailconfirm&product_id=< %=request.querystring("product_id")% >&subproduct_id=< %=request.querystring("subproduct_id")% >">
<table bgcolor="white" border="0" width="640">
<td colspan="2"><h1><font face="Arial">Delete Sub Product Detail</font></h1></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Sub Product Description: </font><input name="subproduct_description" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("subproduct_description"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Cut to Size $: </font><input name="cut_to_size" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("cut_to_size"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Full Sheet $: </font><input name="full_sheet" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='< %=getsqltext(rs("full_sheet"))% >'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Sort Order: </font><input name="sort_order" type="text" size="5" maxsize="50" value="< %=rs("sort_order")% >"></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Visible? </font><select name="active_status">
<option value="< %=rs("active_status")% >" selected>< %=rs("active_status")% ></option>
<option value="True">True</option>
<option value="False">False</option>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Delete? Are you sure?"></td>
<td> </td>
< % case "addsubproduct" % >
<form name="addsubproduct" method="POST" action="p.asp?mode=addproductsdetailconfirm&product_id=< %=request.querystring("product_id")% >">
<table bgcolor="white" border="0" width="640">
<td colspan="2"><h1><font face="Arial">Add Sub Product </font></h1></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Sub Product Description: </font><input name="subproduct_description" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value=''></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Cut to Size $: </font><input name="cut_to_size" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='0.00'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Full Sheet $: </font><input name="full_sheet" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value='0.00'></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Sort Order: </font><input name="sort_order" type="text" size="5" maxsize="50" value=""></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Visible? </font><select name="active_status">
<option value="True" selected>True</option>
<option value="False">False</option>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Submit"></td>
<td> </td>
< % case "updateproductsdetail" % >
< %
sql = "update products_detail_table"
sql = sql & " set subproduct_description = '" & getsqltext(trim(request.form("subproduct_description"))) & "', "
sql = sql & " full_sheet = " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("full_sheet"))) & ", "
sql = sql & " cut_to_size = " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("cut_to_size"))) & ", "
sql = sql & " sort_order = " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("sort_order"))) & ", "
sql = sql & " active_status = " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("active_status"))) & " "
sql = sql & " WHERE product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & " and subproduct_id=" & request.querystring("subproduct_id")
response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
response.redirect "p.asp?product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id")
% >
< % case "addproductsdetailconfirm" % >
< %
sql = "INSERT INTO products_detail_table "
sql = sql & " (product_id, subproduct_description, cut_to_size, full_sheet, sort_order, active_status ) "
sql = sql & " select "
sql = sql & request.querystring("product_id") & ", "
sql = sql & " '" & getsqltext(trim(request.form("subproduct_description"))) & "', "
sql = sql & " " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("cut_to_size"))) & ", "
sql = sql & " " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("full_sheet"))) & ", "
sql = sql & " " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("sort_order"))) & ", "
sql = sql & " " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("active_status"))) & " "
response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
response.redirect "p.asp?product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id")
% >
< % case "addproductconfirm" % >
< %
sql = "INSERT INTO products_table "
sql = sql & " (product_description, product_full_sheet_size, sort_order, active_status ) "
sql = sql & " select "
sql = sql & " '" & getsqltext(trim(request.form("product_description"))) & "', "
sql = sql & " '" & getsqltext(trim(request.form("product_full_sheet_size"))) & "', "
sql = sql & " " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("sort_order"))) & ", "
sql = sql & " " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("active_status"))) & " "
response.write (sql) & vbCRLF
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
'get ID of product just inserted
sql = " select product_id from products_table WHERE "
sql = sql & " product_description = '" & getsqltext(trim(request.form("product_description"))) & "' AND "
sql = sql & " product_full_sheet_size = '" & getsqltext(trim(request.form("product_full_sheet_size"))) & "' AND "
sql = sql & " sort_order = " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("sort_order"))) & " AND "
sql = sql & " active_status = " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("active_status"))) & " "
response.write (sql) & vbCRLF
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
dim new_ID
new_ID = rs("product_id")
'rem insert dummy record
sql = "INSERT INTO products_detail_table "
sql = sql & " (product_id, subproduct_description, cut_to_size, full_sheet, sort_order, active_status ) "
sql = sql & " select " & new_ID & ", "
sql = sql & " 'sample subproduct description', "
sql = sql & " 1.00, "
sql = sql & " 1.00, "
sql = sql & " 1, "
sql = sql & " " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("active_status"))) & " "
response.write (sql) & vbCRLF
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
response.redirect "p.asp"
% >
< % case "addproduct" % >
<form name="addproduct" method="POST" action="p.asp?mode=addproductconfirm">
<table bgcolor="white" border="0" width="640">
<td colspan="2"><h1><font face="Arial">Add Product</font></h1></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Product Description: </font><input name="product_description" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value=''></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Full Sheet Description: </font><input name="product_full_sheet_size" type="text" size="50" maxsize="50" value=''></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Sort Order: </font><input name="sort_order" type="text" size="5" maxsize="50" value=""></td>
<td><font face="Arial">Visible? </font><select name="active_status">
<option value="True" selected>True</option>
<option value="False">False</option>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Add Product"></td>
<td> </td>
< % case "updatedescription" % >
< %
sql = "update products_table"
sql = sql & " set product_description = '" & getsqltext(trim(request.form("product_description"))) & "', "
sql = sql & " product_full_sheet_size = '" & getsqltext(trim(request.form("product_full_sheet_size"))) & "', "
sql = sql & " sort_order = " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("sort_order"))) & ", "
sql = sql & " active_status = " & getsqltext(trim(request.form("active_status"))) & " "
sql = sql & " WHERE product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & " "
response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
response.redirect "p.asp"
% >
< % case else % >
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td width="31%" valign="top"><div align="center">
<p style="margin-top: 0;"><img src="" alt="your logo alt title" width="325" height="261"></p>
<div align="center"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;" align="center"><b>DISTRIBUTOR OF SHEET, ROD & TUBE</b></font>
<p align="center" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b>If we don't have what you want in stock, <br>
we will get it for you.</b></font></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;">.</p>
<p align="center" style="margin-top: 0;"><img src="" width="72" height="46"> <img src="" width="72" height="47"></p>
<p align="center" class="style3" style="margin-bottom: 0;"><strong>companyname</strong></p>
<p class="style3" style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;"><strong>street address<br>
city state zip</strong></p>
<p class="style3" style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;"><strong>Phone #</strong></p>
<p class="style3" style="margin-top:0;"><strong>Fax #</strong></p>
<p class="style3" style="margin-bottom: 0;">Find our store using </p>
<p class="style3" style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"><a href=""> Mapquest</a> <a href="">Yellow Pages</a> </p>
<td width="69%" colspan="2" valign="top"><blockquote>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0;"> </p>
<table width="97%" border="1">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="100%"><div align="center"><span class="style4">O<span class="style5">NLINE STORE</span></span></div></td>
< % if request.querystring("orderplaced") = "true" then % >
<tr valign="top">
<td width="100%">
<div align="center">
<h3><font color="red">Your order has been placed. Order # < % = request.querystring("OrderID")% ></font></h3>
< % end if % >
<tr valign="top">
<td height="264">
< %
if request.querystring("product_id") <> "" then
if session("un") = "admin" then
sql = " SELECT products_table.active_status, products_detail_table.active_status, * "
sql = sql & " FROM products_table INNER JOIN products_detail_table ON products_table.product_id = products_detail_table.product_id "
sql = sql & " WHERE ( ((products_table.product_id)=" & request.querystring("product_id") & ")) "
sql = sql & " ORDER BY products_table.sort_order, products_detail_table.sort_order; "
sql = " SELECT products_table.active_status, products_detail_table.active_status, * "
sql = sql & " FROM products_table INNER JOIN products_detail_table ON products_table.product_id = products_detail_table.product_id "
sql = sql & " WHERE ( ((products_table.active_status)=Yes) AND ((products_detail_table.active_status)=Yes) AND ((products_table.product_id)=" & request.querystring("product_id") & ")) "
sql = sql & " ORDER BY products_table.sort_order, products_detail_table.sort_order; "
end if
if session("un") = "admin" then
sql = " SELECT * FROM products_table p ORDER BY sort_order"
sql = " SELECT * FROM products_table p WHERE p.active_status = Yes ORDER BY sort_order"
end if
end if
'response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
% >
< % if request.querystring("product_id") <> "" then % >
<h1>< % product_description = rs("product_description") % >< % response.write(product_description)% ></h1>
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" >
< % if request.querystring("sheet_style") = "cut_to_size" then % >
<form name="cut_to_size_values">
<td rowspan="8" valign="top" bgcolor="silver">
<b>Cut to Size<br>Dimensions</b>
Length: (inches)<br><br><input type="text" name="length" value="0" size="5">
Width: (inches)<br><br><input type="text" name="width" value="0" size="5">
<br><br><font size='-1'>Instructions:<br> Enter length, width,<br>and then enter quantity<br>of plastic thickness<br>then click Add to Cart</font>
< % end if % >
<td bgcolor="silver"><b><center>Thickness</center></b></td>
<td bgcolor="silver"><b><center>
< % if request.querystring("sheet_style") = "full_sheet" then % >
< % sheet_description = rs("product_full_sheet_size") % >
< % response.write (sheet_description) % >
< % else % >
< % sheet_description = "Custom Cut To Size<br>Sq. Ft. Price" % >
< % response.write (sheet_description) % >
< % end if % >
<td bgcolor="silver"><b><center>Order Qty</center></b></td>
<td bgcolor="silver"><b><center>Subtotal Price</center></b></td>
<td bgcolor="silver"><b><center> </center></b></td>
< %
Do While Not rs.EOF
% >
< %
t1 = rs("subproduct_description")
if t1 <> t2 then
% >
<form name="subproduct< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >" method="post" action="p.asp?mode=insert&product_id=< %=request.querystring("product_id")% >&sheet_style=< % = sheet_style % >">
<input type="hidden" name="sheet_description" value='< %=sheet_description% >')
<td><p align="center">
<input type="hidden" name="subproduct_id" value="< %=rs("subproduct_id") % >">
<input type="hidden" name="subproduct_description" value='< %=rs("subproduct_description")% >'>
< %=rs("subproduct_description") % >
<td><p align="center">
< % if sheet_style = "full_sheet" then % >
<input type="hidden" name="subproduct_price" value="< %=rs("full_sheet")% >">
<input type="hidden" name="subproduct_long_description" value='Full Sheet (4x8, 32 sqft), < %=getsqltext(rs("subproduct_description"))% >'>
<b>< %=formatcurrency(rs("full_sheet"),2)% ></b> x (4x8, 32 sqft) x <i>Order Qty</i>
< % else % >
<input type="hidden" name="subproduct_price" value="< %=rs("cut_to_size")% >">
<input type="hidden" name="subproduct_long_description" value='Cut to Size, < %=getsqltext(rs("subproduct_description"))% >'>
<b>< %=formatcurrency(rs("cut_to_size"),2)% ></b>
< % end if % >
<p align="center">
< % if sheet_style = "full_sheet" then % >
<input type="text" size="3" name="subproduct_quantity" value="0" OnChange="var myval; myval = (32 * document.subproduct< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >.subproduct_price.value) * document.subproduct< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >.subproduct_quantity.value; myval = Math.round(myval * 100) / 100; document.subproduct< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >.subproduct_extendedprice.value = '$' + myval.toFixed(2) ;">
< % end if % >
< % if sheet_style = "cut_to_size" then % >
<input type="hidden" name="cut_to_size_length" size="3" value="0"><input type="hidden" name="cut_to_size_width" size="3" value="0">
<input type="text" size="3" name="subproduct_quantity" value="0" OnChange="document.subproduct< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >.cut_to_size_length.value=document.cut_to_size_values.length.value;document.subproduct< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >.cut_to_size_width.value=document.cut_to_size_values.width.value;var myval; myval = (((document.cut_to_size_values.length.value * document.cut_to_size_values.width.value) / 144 )* document.subproduct< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >.subproduct_price.value) * document.subproduct< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >.subproduct_quantity.value; myval = Math.round(myval * 100) / 100; document.subproduct< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >.subproduct_extendedprice.value = '$' + myval.toFixed(2) ;">
< % end if % >
<p align="center">
<input type="text" size="5" name="subproduct_extendedprice" value="0">
<input type="Submit" name="Add" value="Add to Cart">
< % if session("un") = "admin" then % >
<a alt="Edit" title="Edit" href="p.asp?mode=editdetail&product_id=< %=request.querystring("product_id")% >&subproduct_id=< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >"><font face="Arial" color="red" size="-1">Edit</font></a>
<a alt="Delete" title="Delete" href="p.asp?mode=deletedetail&product_id=< %=request.querystring("product_id")% >&subproduct_id=< %=rs("subproduct_id")% >"><font face="Arial" color="red" size="-1">Delete</font></a>
< % end if % >
< % end if % >
< %
t2 = t1
% >
<td colspan="8">
< % if sheet_style = "cut_to_size" then % >
<i>Cut to Size Special Instructions and Note: If you have a cut to size special shape other than a rectangle or square, please call our office to request a quote.</i><br><br>
< % end if % >
< % if session("un") = "admin" then % >
<br><center><a alt="Add Subproduct" title="Add Subproduct" href="p.asp?mode=addsubproduct&product_id=< %=request.querystring("product_id")% >"><font face="Arial" color="red" size="-1">Add Sub Product</font></a></center>
< % end if % ><br>
<i>Instructions: change the quantity field and then press your keyboard TAB key to update the Subtotal Price, and then click Add to Cart.</i>
< % else % >
<form name="products" method="post">
<h2>Plastic Products</h2>
< %
Do While Not rs.EOF
% >
< %
t1 = rs("product_description")
if t1 <> t2 then
% >
<li><a href="p.asp?product_id=< %=rs("product_id")% >&sheet_style=< % =sheet_style % >">< %=rs("product_description")% ></a>
< % if session("un") = "admin" then % >
- <a href="p.asp?mode=edit&product_id=< %=rs("product_id")% >&sheet_style=< % =sheet_style % >"><font color="red" face="Arial" size="-1">Edit</font></a>
- <a href="p.asp?mode=deleteproduct&product_id=< %=rs("product_id")% >&sheet_style=< % =sheet_style % >"><font color="red" face="Arial" size="-1">Delete</font></a>
- <font face="Arial" size="-1" color="red">Visible (Active)?: < %=rs("active_status")% ></font>
< % end if % >
< %
end if
% >
< %
t2 = t1
% >
< % end if % >
< % if session("un") = "admin" and request.querystring("product_id") = "" then % >
<center><a alt="Add Subproduct" title="Add Subproduct" href="p.asp?mode=addproduct"><font color="red" face="Arial" size="-1">Add New Product</font></a></center>
< % end if % >
< %
select case request.querystring("mode")
case "insert"
sql = "insert into shoppingcart_table "
sql = sql & " (session_id, product_id, subproduct_id, product_description, price_per_sq_foot, qty, extended_price, date_inserted) "
if request.querystring("sheet_style") = "cut_to_size" then
sql = sql & " values (" & Session.SessionID & ", " & request.querystring("product_id") & ", " & request.form("subproduct_id") & ", '" & product_description & ", " & request.form("full_sheet_description") & ", " & "Length:" & request.form("cut_to_size_length") & " Width:" & request.form("cut_to_size_width") & " " & getsqltext(request.form("subproduct_long_description")) & "', " & request.form("subproduct_price") & ", " & request.form("subproduct_quantity") & ", '" & request.form("subproduct_extendedprice") & "', '" & now() & "') "
sql = sql & " values (" & Session.SessionID & ", " & request.querystring("product_id") & ", " & request.form("subproduct_id") & ", '" & product_description & ", " & request.form("full_sheet_description") & " " & getsqltext(request.form("subproduct_long_description")) & "', " & request.form("subproduct_price") & ", " & request.form("subproduct_quantity") & ", '" & request.form("subproduct_extendedprice") & "', '" & now() & "') "
end if
'response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
case "delete"
sql = "delete from shoppingcart_table "
sql = sql & " where row_id = " & request.querystring("row_id") & " AND session_id = " & Session.SessionID
'response.write (sql)
set rs = Conn.Execute(sql)
case "update"
case else
end select
% >
< % rem SID: response.write (Session.SessionID) % >
< %
sql = " SELECT * from shoppingcart_table where session_id = " & Session.SessionID
'response.write (sql)
set rs1 = Conn.Execute(sql)
if not rs1.EOF then
response.write ("<p><p>")
response.write ("<table border='0' cellpadding='0'>")
response.write ("<tr><td rowspan='10'><img src=''></td></tr>")
response.write ("<tr><td bgcolor='Silver' colspan='8'><b>Your Shopping Cart</b></td></tr>")
response.write ("<tr><td bgcolor='Silver'><b>Product</b></td><td bgcolor='Silver'><b>Price / Sq. Ft.</b></td><td bgcolor='Silver'><b>Order Quantity</b></td><td bgcolor='Silver'><b>Extended Price</b></td><td bgcolor='Silver'> </td></tr>")
Do While Not rs1.EOF
response.write ("<tr>")
'response.write ("<td>" & rs1("row_id") & "-" & rs1("session_id") & " </td><td> " & rs1("product_id") & " </td><td> " & rs1("subproduct_id") & " </td> " )
response.write ("<td> " & rs1("product_description") & " </td><td><p align='center'>" & formatcurrency(rs1("price_per_sq_foot"),2) & "</td><td><p align=center>" & rs1("qty") & " </td><td><p align=right>" & formatcurrency(rs1("extended_price"),2) & " </td> " )
response.write ("<td> " & "<input type='button' name='Remove' value='Remove' OnClick=" & chr(34) & "'p.asp?product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & "&mode=delete&row_id=" & rs1("row_id") & "', '_parent')" & chr(34) & "</td>" )
shoppingcart_total = shoppingcart_total + CCur(rs1("extended_price"))
response.write ("</tr>")
response.write ("<tr><td bgcolor='Silver' colspan='8'><p align='center'><b>Shopping Cart Total = " & formatcurrency(shoppingcart_total, 2) & "</b></td></tr>")
response.write ("</table>")
response.write ("<p>Your Shopping Cart is empty" & " - Note: Terms and Conditions apply.<hr>")
shoppingcart_total = 0
end if
% >
<div align='center'>
<form name="test">
<input type=button name="homepage" value="Home page" OnClick="'', '_parent')">
<input type=button name="productshomepage" value="Products Home page" OnClick="'', '_parent')">
< % select case sheet_style
case "full_sheet"
response.write ("<input type='button' name='fullvscustombutton' value='Switch to Custom Size Pricing' OnClick=" & chr(34) & "'p.asp?sheet_style=cut_to_size&product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & "', '_parent') " & chr(34) & "></form>" )
case "cut_to_size"
response.write ("<input type='button' name='fullvscustombutton' value='Switch to Full Sheet Pricing' OnClick=" & chr(34) & "'p.asp?sheet_style=full_sheet&product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & "', '_parent') " & chr(34) & "></form>" )
case else
response.write ("<input type='button' name='fullvscustombutton' value='Switch to Custom Size Pricing' OnClick=" & chr(34) & "'p.asp?sheet_style=cut_to_size&product_id=" & request.querystring("product_id") & "', '_parent') " & chr(34) & "></form>" )
end select
% >
< % if shoppingcart_total > 0 then % >
<input type=button name="CheckOut" value="Check Out" OnClick="'< %=Session.SessionID% >', '_parent')">
< % end if % >
<table width="93%" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
< % rem <!--#include virtual="yourcompany_navigation_menu.asp"--> % >
<td colspan="3" valign="top"><blockquote style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;">
<p align="center" class="style2">Copyright (c) < %=year(date())% > your company or trade name. All rights reserved. <a href="yoursecretloginpage.asp">*</a>
<br><a href="TermsandConditions.asp">Terms and Conditions</a>
< % if session("un") = "admin" then % >
<a href="adminpage.asp"><font face="Arial" size="-1" color="red">Admin Page</font></a>
<a href="p.asp?method=leaveadminmode"><font face="Arial" size="-1" color="red">Leave Admin mode</font></a>
< % end if % >
<p align="center" class="style2" style="margin-bottom: 0;"> </p>
<div align="center"><br>
<font color="#6699CC"></font></div>
< % end select % >
--- sqltext.asp ----
REM This will get included by anyone who needs this functionality.
REM That way we don't duplicate all over the place.
REM Returns SQL number value. 0 if string is empty.
Function GetFKValue(sText)
Dim sSQLText
if sText = "" or sText = " " then
sSQLText = "NULL"
sSQLText = sText
end if
GetFKValue = sSQLText
End Function
REM Function to double quote all single quotes found in a text field
Function GetSQLText(sText)
Dim bEnd
Dim i
Dim iLast
Dim sSQLText
bEnd = FALSE
i = 1
iLast = 1
While Not bEnd
i = InStr(iLast,sText,"'")
if i > 0 then
sSqlText = sSQLText & Mid(sText,iLast,i-iLast) & "''"
iLast = i+1
sSqlText = sSQLText & Mid(sText,iLast)
bEnd = TRUE
end if
GetSQLText = sSQLText
End Function
REM Returns SQL single quoted string. NULL if string is empty.
Function GetSQLTextValue(sText)
Dim sSQLText
if sText = "" or sText = " " then
sSQLText = "NULL"
sSQLText = "'" & GetSQLText(sText) & "'"
end if
GetSQLTextValue = sSQLText
End Function
REM Returns SQL number value. 0 if string is empty.
Function GetSQLNumberValue(sText)
Dim sSQLText
if sText = "" or sText = " " then
sSQLText = "0"
sSQLText = sText
end if
GetSQLNumberValue = sSQLText
End Function
-- sqldsn.asp ---
< %
response.buffer = true
Dim Conn
Dim connstr
Dim oConnection
Dim sql
Dim rs
Dim sql1
Dim rs1
Dim sql2
Dim rs2
Dim sql3
Dim rs3
Dim sql4
Dim rs4
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Mode = 3
Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("/datafold/datafile.mdb") & ";"
const MIN_VALUE_INT = -2147483648
% >
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