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Split Data across Drives on your PC | spring cleaning

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, January 6, 2019

View Count: 1490, Keywords: windows, drives, data, splitting, Hashtags: #windows #drives #data #splitting

So the question is this, what am I doing with my PC lately to take it to the next step?
1. I have decided to split my drives and data up, 500GB SSD for OS and active development and work, 2TB Firecude for recent work, and semi-older data and projects, pictures, music, downloads, etc. This freed up my C: drive from 900GB to 250GB where I could clone hte 250GB OS/DATA to a 500GB SSD, and then that 650GB of stuff was put a 2TB Firecuda drive.
2. Continue to backup my data three ways; clone image (weekly), robocopy (mid-weekly), carbonite (8PM to 6AM)
3. Make sure my development platforms and tools, software & serial numbers, remote keys, etc..are properly saved.
PS. I did one thing that was crazy cool. I deleted all my music.That freed up 250GB or about 1/3 of my 1TB OS drive. I am not in the mood to hoard my music anymore and if I want to listen to something good, switch over to YouTube and search for something nice.
more to come...

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