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Laptop repairs - should be easier

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2006

View Count: 1301, Keywords: laptop repair, Hashtags: #laptoprepair

I have been repairing laptops for nearly 25 years, and I believe they should be easy to repair. Here is my top list of wishes and requests.
1. the CPU fan should be easy to get to and replace. All CPU fans should be the same part number, size and purpose and cost.
2. the AC Adapter chargers should all have the same voltage, tip and size.
3. the DC jack should never break ever... and should never be soldered. should be a plug and play part
4. all upgrade-able components should be accessible with a quick release and no screw driver required
5. if screws are required, then every screw should be the same head and size.

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