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Frys Electronics, Radio Shack, Sandys Electronics, Scheels, Plumb Lane circa 2008 and 2014

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Saturday, December 29, 2018

View Count: 3759, Keywords: reno, nevada, scheels, plumb lane, frys electronics, Hashtags: #reno #nevada #scheels #plumblane #fryselectronics

Back in 2008, I contacted the owners of Fry's Electronics, and asked if they could locate a store in the Reno Nevada region. The execs said that they only consider populations of 1 million surrounding or greater. Okay, I countered with a mini-Frys and they smirked. Sorry, no luck.They had one in las vegas and another going in north Las Vegas.We just needed an option to replace Radio Shack and the going out of business Sandy's Electronics.
I had visited both the Rocklin and Northgate Sacramento stores and wow.! we need that. I proposed I be the GM of the Computers/Electronics Service(s) and or more.
Still no luck. Bummer. To compete with Best Buy and Geek Squad they did not want to go there.
where did I propose them to be?
First location was the old mall on Sparks Blvd where Scheels is today. 25 acres.
Second location was the old Plumb Lane Mall. 25 acres, I proposed in 2014 as a alternate.
It's worth noting, I contacted GameWorks about converting the old mall on Sparks Blvd as a play center for kids where and when their parents played at the Nugget, and connect the two with a tram. The Ascuaga's and my commercial real estate people said  deal was already going in for that area... we later learned it was Scheels.

Alas, did they miss the boat? they could have bought the land and held onto it.
Regardless, another missed development and innovator and finders fee opportunity.
PS. I asked a few local investors and commercial real estate folks and they only wanted to do the paperwork and a 10% cut and nothing more. I was hoping they could consider a few more angels and angles of opportunity.
Sandy's Electronics was more interesting. Talked to the Las Vegas old Sandy's Electronics subdivision unrelated to the Reno edition, and then the California origins, and the Reno owner died, City of Reno license expiring, State of Nevada license expired and closed, and both the city and state confirmed the next of kin unavailable or no contact left available. Therefore, the Fry's Electronics, Radio Shack, Sandy's Electronics were desparately needed replacement. The In2Electronics was a temporary carry over but that did not last.
more to come...

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