Reno4Sale and Regional4Sale flashback
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, December 16, 2018
View Count: 1397, Keywords: rg4s, r4s, flashback, Hashtags: #rg4s #r4s #flashback
This is a Reno4Sale and Regional4Sale flashback recollection
It was nearly 16 years ago this month that I started Reno4Sale development, and 600 hours later in 3 months (10 hours per day, 20 days per month), had a fully automated classified ads system tagline "$9.95 until it sells". then I realized there was this thing called Craigslist that was just getting out of the California area and across the US. so I rolled out Regional4Sale and started hitting low hanging fruit, high target value cities based on the Reno4Sale model.
It worked but wow did Craigslist have it figured out... they were using subdomains whereas I was using full domains. I used winsave domain registrar at $7/domain per year and rocketed across the US. the biggest users of my solution were dating folks looking for hookups. ugh.. more t&a than I wanted to see and my girlfriend at the time was not having it. so, i had to change gears.
oddly enough, craigslist was free for classified and $500 per year for employers to post their job listings. great model, and I knew it within 3 months of deploying... 4-8 people making $24 million per year on classifieds and job listings. my kind of numbers and math. so my R4S and RG4S did not capture the market because I was not first to market, nor was I lowest in price, but I had the model down.
It still exists, and prior to I had two other templates... was templatized into a real estate portal for smaller brokerage realtor offices, and was my first ecommerce template still running today (since 1999).. The was very cool and then some hacks took it down and put in some word press solution that is so mucked up you can't get real data and figures on your properties.. they fixed that in time but it was broken for years.
what's next for this technologist and entrepreneur? i was reading the Winston Purvine, 1st President of Oregon Tech story from my Alma mater and he shared some interesting secrets about the years of OIT from 1947 to 1976.. odd how history repeats itself. he was not a genius, just a man in the right place at the right time who knew the people and how to get things done, even call people out when they encroached upon his dreams.
more to come...
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