Computer Shop Work Order Form (asp, javascript)
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Friday, December 14, 2018
View Count: 6666, Keywords: javascript, asp, computer work order form, Hashtags: #javascript #asp #computerworkorderform
WELCOME: Dear future franchisees of Mountain Computers.. if and
when we ever get there... started the concept back in 2007 but no one on
our team believed in it but Andy, we had to have tools that just made
our work the best in quality, consistent and guarantee the results
worked over and over and over.. and lasted and left a beautiful
thumbprint in our workmanship.
HISTORY Shall NOT REPEAT ITSELF: this is one of those tools to
help out staff complete their work and make the work order that went
into our quickbooks invoices look professional and complete.. no
guessing.. another few computer and IT organizations that Andy worked at
before did not have something like this and he was so ashamed at the
lack of consistency and quality of work because of it...
INTRO: This is a pretty slick secure online work order form for staff and
team to complete work notes that generates an invoice like format.. let me know if you use and like it.. i
wrote this some 10 years ago to speed up my teams work order fill in the
blank to make work orders complete like the way I like a customer to
have their invoice. detailed, specific, and easy to recall critical and
vital details.
option explicit
response.expires = 0
<!--#include virtual="/inc/checkhttps.asp"-->
if request.form("p") = "yourpasswordgoeshere" then
session("user_message") = ""
session("un") = "admin"
response.redirect "mtn_supportform.asp"
end if
<% if session("un") <> "admin" then %>
<form method="POST" action="mtn_supportform.asp" name="c">
<p align="center"><font face="Arial">Passcode: <input
type="password" name="p" size="20"><input type="submit"
value="Submit" name="btn_submit"></font></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Arial"><b><font size="3">
<script language="Javascript">document.c.p.focus();</script>
<% else %>
<title>Mountain Computers Work Order Completion Form</title>
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str += "to " + document.wo.End_Date.value + '; ';
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str += "Computer Problem: " + document.wo.Computer_Problem.value + '. ';
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str += "Upon inspection: " + document.wo.Upon_Inspection.value + '. ';
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str += "Pulled Hard Drive" + ", ";
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str += "Scanned Hard Drive" + ", ";
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str += "Operating System Repaired" + ", ";
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str += "Operating System Reloaded" + ", ";
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str += "Reset Network Stack and Firewall" + ", ";
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str += "Remove Tasks and Jobs" + ", ";
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str += "Data Recovered" + ", ";
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str += "Malware/Spyware Found = " + document.wo.Malware_Spyware.value + '. ';
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str += "Viruses Found and Removed = " + document.wo.Viruses.value + '. ';
if (document.wo.Registry_Errors.value != '') {
str += "Registry Errors Found and Fixed = " + document.wo.Registry_Errors.value + '. ';
if ( {
str += "Cleaned and Inspected System" + ", ";
if ( {
str += "Streamlined and Optimized system" + ", ";
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str += "Fixed file system and fixed registry" + ", ";
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str += document.wo.tuneup[i].value + ". ";
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str += "Anti-Virus Operations: " + document.wo.antivirus_actions_text.value + '. ';
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str += "(Hours Worked = " + document.wo.Hours_Worked.value + ', ';
if (document.wo.Hours_Billable.value != '') {
str += "Hours Billable = " + document.wo.Hours_Billable.value + ') ';
if (document.wo.Computer_Make.value != '') {
str += "\n" + "**********************"
str += "\n" + document.wo.Computer_Make.value + " ';
Model # " + document.wo.Computer_Model_Number.value + " Serial/Service
Tag # " + document.wo.Serial_Number_Service_Tag.value;
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str += "\n" + "**********************"
str += "\n" + document.wo.Operating_System.value + " " +
document.wo.Operating_System_Version1.value + " " +
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str += " " + document.wo.bit[i].value + " ";
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str += "\n";
str += "Product Key Code (PID): ";
str += document.wo.Product_Key_Code_PID1.value + "-";
str += document.wo.PID2.value + "-";
str += document.wo.PID3.value + "-";
str += document.wo.PID4.value + "-";
str += document.wo.PID5.value;
if (document.wo.Configuration_Notes_Reminders.value != '') {
str += "\n" + "**********************"
str += "\n ** Configuration Notes and Reminders ** \n" + document.wo.Configuration_Notes_Reminders.value;
str += "\n" + "**********************"
str += "\n" + "Thank you for choosing Mountain Computers Inc";
str += "\n" + "Andy Flagg & Team";
str += "\n" + "MBA Technology Management, BS Computer Systems Engineering";
str += "\n" + "";
str += "\n" + "* Satisfaction Guaranteed * ";
str += "\n" + "* 30 Days Warranty on Labor and Service * ";
str += "\n" + "* 1 Year Warranty on Parts (new), 90 Days on Used parts *";
str += "\n" + "********************** "
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = str;
} else {
alert ('Please enter a start date');
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// -->
<form id='wo' name='wo'>
<table cellpadding='5' border='2' align='middle' bgcolor='#CFCFCF'>
<td colspan='2'><b><font face='Arial'>Mountain Computers Work Order Completion Form</td>
<td valign='top'><font face='Arial' size='-1'>
Invoice # <input type='text' name='Invoice_Number' value='' size='8'>
Start Date <input type='text' name='Start_Date' value='<%=date()%>' size='8'>
<a href="javascript: void(0);" onmouseover="if (timeoutId)
clearTimeout(timeoutId);window.status='Show Calendar';return true;"
onmouseout="if (timeoutDelay) calendarTimeout();window.status='';"
onclick=",'wo.Start_Date', true, 'mm/dd/yyyy');
return false;"><img style="vertical-align:middle"
src="images/calendar.gif" name="imgCalendar" width="34" height="21"
border="0" alt="Click to show or hide."></a>
End Date <input type='text' name='End_Date' value='' size='8'>
<a href="javascript: void(0);" onmouseover="if (timeoutId)
clearTimeout(timeoutId);window.status='Show Calendar';return true;"
onmouseout="if (timeoutDelay) calendarTimeout();window.status='';"
onclick=",'wo.End_Date', true, 'mm/dd/yyyy');
return false;"><img style="vertical-align:middle"
src="images/calendar.gif" name="imgCalendar" width="34" height="21"
border="0" alt="Click to show or hide."></a>
<b>COMPUTER PROBLEM</b> <input type='text' name='Computer_Problem' size='65'>
Computer Make
<select name='Computer_Make'>
<option value=''>
<option value='Acer'>Acer
<option value='Apple MacBook'>Apple MacBook
<option value='Apple MacBook Air'>Apple MacBook Air
<option value='Asus'>Asus
<option value='Compaq'>Compaq
<option value='CyberPower'>CyberPower
<option value='Dell'>Dell
<option value='eMachine'>eMachine
<option value='Fujitsu'>Fujitsu
<option value='Gateway'>Gateway
<option value='HP'>HP
<option value='IBuyPower'>IBuyPower
<option value='Lenovo'>Lenovo
<option value='MSI'>MSI
<option value='OEM White'>OEM White
<option value='OEM Black'>OEM Black
<option value='Other'>Other
<option value='Samsung'>Samsung
<option value='Sony'>Sony
<option value='Toshiba'>Toshiba
<option value='Not Applicable'>Not Applicable
Model <input type='text' name='Computer_Model_Number' value='' size='7'>
Serial / Service Tag # <input type='text' name='Serial_Number_Service_Tag' value=''>
Operating System
<select name='Operating_System'>
<option value=''>
<option value='Microsoft Windows 3.1'>3.1
<option value='Microsoft Windows Millineum'>ME
<option value='Microsoft Windows 2000'>2000
<option value='Microsoft Windows NT'>NT
<option value='Microsoft Windows XP'>XP
<option value='Microsoft Windows Vista'>Vista
<option value='Microsoft Windows 7'>7
<option value='Microsoft Windows 8'>8
<option value='Microsoft Windows 8.1'>8.1
<option value='Microsoft Windows 10'>10
<option value='Apple OS'>Apple
<option value='Linux OS'>Linux
<select name='Operating_System_Version1'>
<option value=''>
<option value='Home'>Home
<option value='Professional'>Professional
<option value='Media Center'>Media Center
<option value='RT1'>RT1
<select name='Operating_System_Version2'>
<option value=''>
<option value='Starter'>Starter
<option value='Basic'>Basic
<option value='Premium'>Premium
<option value='Business'>Business
<option value='Ultimate'>Ultimate
<input type='radio' name='bit' value='32 bit'> 32 bit <input type='radio' name='bit' value='64 bit'> 64 bit
PID LABEL: <input type='text' name='Product_Key_Code_PID1'
value='' size='7'> - <input type='text' name='PID2' value=''
size='7'> - <input type='text' name='PID3' value='' size='7'> -
<input type='text' name='PID4' value='' size='7'> - <input
type='text' name='PID5' value='' size='7'>
<table cellpadding='5' border='0' width='100%'>
<td valign='top'><font face='Arial' size='-1'>
<b>Upon Inspection Notes:</b>
<textarea name='Upon_Inspection' rows='7' cols='45'></textarea>
Miscellaneous Notes / Network Configuration / Passwords:
<select name='diagnosticnotesreminders'
<option value=''>
LOCATION.'>Reload Notes
<textarea name='Configuration_Notes_Reminders' rows='5' cols='45'></textarea>
<br>e.g. SSID, WPA/PSK, WEP, etc.
Antivirus Actions:
<select name='antivirus_action'>
<option value=''>
<option value='+ Installed'>Installed
<option value='x Removed'>Removed
<select name='antivirus_software'>
<option value=''>
<option value='Microsoft Security Essentials '>MSE
<option value='Conduit Engine '>Conduit Engine
<option value='AVG '>AVG
<option value='Norton/360/Internet Security '>Norton
<option value='McAfee '>McAfee
<option value='Kaspersky '>Kaspersky
<option value='Avast '>Avast
<option value='Symantec '>Symantec
<option value='ESET NOD '>ESET NOD
<option value='Trendmicro '>Trendmicro
<option value='Charter Security Suite '>Charter Security Suite
<option value='Super Antispyware/Antivirus '>Super Antispyware/Antivirus
<option value='Adaware '>Adaware
<option value='Webroot '>Webroot
<option value='Comodo '>Comodo
<option value='CA '>CA
<option value='IOBIT '>IOBIT
<option value='Avira '>Avira
<option value='Bit Defender '>Bit Defender
<option value='F-PROT/F-Secure '>F-PROT/F-Secure
<option value='Frontier Security '>Frontier Security
<option value='Malwarebytes '>Malwarebytes
<option value='Clam '>Clam
<option value='Zone-Alarm '>Zone-Alarm
<option value='Spyware Doctor '>Spyware Doctor
<option value='Sophos '>Sophos
<input name='button_insert_virus_info' type='button'
+ '' + document.wo.antivirus_action.value + ' ' +
document.wo.antivirus_software.value + ' ';" value='Insert'>
<input name='button_clear_virus_info' type='button'
onClick="document.wo.antivirus_actions_text.value=''" value='Clear'>
<textarea name='antivirus_actions_text' rows='5' cols='45'></textarea>
<td valign='top'><font face='Arial' size='-1'>
<input type='checkbox' name='pulledhdd' value='Pulled Hard Drive'> Pulled HDD
<input type='checkbox' name='scannedhdd' value='Scanned Hard Drive'> Scanned HDD
<input type='checkbox' name='osrepaired' value='Operating System Repaired'> OS Repair
<input type='checkbox' name='osreloaded' value='Operating System Reloaded'> OS Reload
<input type='checkbox' name='resethddpermissions' value='Reset HDD Permissions'> Reset HDD Permissions
<input type='checkbox' name='resetnetworkstackfirewall'
value='Reset Network Stack / Firewall'> Reset Network Stack /
<input type='checkbox' name='removetasksjobs' value='Remove Tasks and Jobs'> Remove Tasks & Jobs
<input type='checkbox' name='removemalwareprogram'
value='Removed Unwanted Malicious Program'> Removed Unwanted
Malicious Programs
<input type='checkbox' name='datarecovery' value='Data Recovery Completed'> Data Recovery
<input type='checkbox' name='backuprestoredata'
value='Backed Up & Restored Data'> Backed up / Restored Data
<input type='checkbox' name='backupfolder' value='Backup Folder Created'> Backup Folder
<input type='checkbox' name='oemall' value='OEM All'> OEM All
<input type='checkbox' name='ci' value='Cleaned & Inspected'> C & I
<input type='checkbox' name='so' value='Streamlined and Optimized'> S & O
<input type='checkbox' name='ffsfr' value='Fixed File System & Fixed Registry'> FFS/FR
<input type='radio' name='tuneup' value='3 Point
Tune-Up'> 3 <input type='radio' name='tuneup' value='7 Point
Tune-Up'> 7 <input type='radio' name='tuneup' value='21 Point
Tune-Up'> 21 - Point Tune Up
<input type='text' name='Malware_Spyware' value='' size='2'> Mal/Spyware Problems
<input type='text' name='Registry_Errors' value='' size='2'> Registry Errors
<input type='text' name='Viruses' value='' size='2'> Viruses
Hours worked. <input type='text' name='Hours_Worked'
value='' size='5'> Hours Billable. <input type='text'
name='Hours_Billable' value='' size='5'>
Quote: <input type='text' name='Quoted' size='20'>
<input type='checkbox' name='Permission_To_Exceed_Quote' value='Permission Given to Exceed Quote? Yes'> Approved?
<td valign='top'><font face='Arial' size='-1'>
<input type='button' value='create output (stdout) >>' name='create' onClick='DisplayFormValues();'>
<input type='button' value='MTN Style (stdout) >>'
name='create' onClick='DisplayFormValuesTheMountainWay();'>
<input type='button' value='select output (stdout)' name='select' onClick="">
<br>CTRL+C (to copy) CTRL+V (to paste) CTRL+X (to cut/move)
<textarea id='results' name='results' rows='40' cols='50'></textarea>
<div id="results1"></div>
<div id="lblValues"></div>
<font face='Arial' size='-2'><form name='debug'><input type='checkbox' name='debug'> Debug?</form>
<font face='Arial' size='-1'>© 2006-<%=year(date())%> Mountain Computers Inc. All rights reserved.
<%end if%>
and the include file...checkhttps.asp
if ucase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS")) = "OFF" then
response.redirect "https://" & request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME") & request.servervariables("URL")
end if
the rest of the file you can get at in the wild or just reference them in my website.. it's ok.
more to come...
if you found this article helpful, consider contributing $10, 20 an Andrew Jackson or the author. more authors coming soon
FYI we use paypal or patreon, patreon has 3x the transaction fees, so we don't, not yet.
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