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The pros and cons of Microsoft Windows 10 versus Windows 11

Microsoft Windows

by Mountain Computers Inc, Publication Date: Saturday, November 11, 2023

View Count: 436, Keywords: Microsoft Windows, Operating Systems, Pros and Cons, Hashtags: #MicrosoftWindows #OperatingSystems #ProsandCons

If you have been using Microsoft Windows 11 for at least a month you might realize it is not like Windows 10.
The pros and cons of each are significant. Lets run down the list quickly.
10 is a mature and yet the 7 code base is more old than 10 it is stable
11 is a new and more secure code base than 7 yet has yet to prove strength over 10
10 and 11 are closed source meaning the programming is not available to the public
10 shared a lot of Windows 7 usability and ease of use
10 like 7 was easy to support
7 like XP is still strong and fast if on a closed network and not public Internet facing and exposed
10 updates were more frequent
11 updates are less frequent
10 was more like the prior versions
11 is not like any of the prior versions
11 is more mobile oriented and looks a lot like an Android OS
11 is not very easy to support
Overall, I do like Windows 11 yet loved Windows 10 and really loved Windows 7 and exceptionally loved Windows XP, NT, 2000, WFW, W95, W98SE, 3.1 and 3.0.. Oh the memories...
more to come...

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