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Oracle PL/SQL very interesting - testing platform with some large data sets


by Mountain Computers Inc, Publication Date: Saturday, March 4, 2023

View Count: 961, Keywords: Oracle, PL/SQL, Testing, Hashtags: #Oracle #PL/SQL #Testing

I had to approach some new problems using Oracle PL/SQL and to say the least it was interesting.
Here is what I did.
1. spun up a Microsoft Server 2016 VM with Oracle SQL Server and configured
2. spun up a Microsoft Windows 11 Pro VM with Oracle SQL Developer and configured
3. completed the data ETL between both VMs
It took me about 4 hours to get it right and voila. I should do a YouTube video on my channel showing the hiccups and workarounds and steps to get it right and what to look for in terms of administration and configuration.
REF 1: https://www.oracle.com/database/sqldeveloper/technologies/download/
REF 2: https://www.oracle.com/downloads/
more to come...

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