Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for locals - laptops, software, integration testing
by Mountain Computers Inc, Publication Date: Saturday, November 26, 2022
View Count: 743, Keywords: Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Computing, Sales, Deals, Hashtags: #BlackFriday #CyberMonday #Computing #Sales #Deals
Another year of Black Friday and Cyber Monday is upon us. I was asked by a few business clients for suggestions, and I gave them enough to get them going in the right direction.
Here were a few of the categories:
# 1 Laptop specifications and decision making
# 2 Business Software selection and decision making for Finance and Accounting
# 3 Billing and Client Management and Document Management integration solutions and testing
That was just a brief part of my few days over the weekend.
# 3 was especially fun because I had to setup a test environment for medical, client information, and document management and integrate their smart tags, meta data, and other forms of filing, searching and billing efficiencies - all the while remaining HIPAA, PII, and PCI-DSS compliant.
more to come...
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