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Remote support tools are great yet come with a cost and danger if not used properly (Windows, Apple, Linux)

Microsoft Windows Apple Mac OS Linux Tux

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Saturday, June 11, 2022

View Count: 1015, Keywords: Remote Support, Tools, Dangers, Best Practices, Hashtags: #RemoteSupport #Tools #Dangers #BestPractices

Remote support tools are used by many companies both for remote work and remote support and remote monitoring. The tools vary in cost from free to expensive licensing. The best practices for remote tools I have not heard of or read ever, nor lately, so let me begin.
1. remote tools are both enabled to remain on or only when used
2. remote tools can contain connection history which can be both good and bad.
3. remote tools can be a central hub to many clients, or just one to one from home to work and vice versa.
Now, with those three items, what are the best safeguards.
1. only have remote tools enabled to stay on for emergency purposes
2. ensure connection history is clear every so often if many connections are made frequently
3. if a one to many connection business purpose is being utilized never keep the passwords and connection info together on the system doing the one to many connections
which tools are out there.
1. teamviewer
2. remote desktop
3. gotomypc
Regardless of your purpose in using remote support tools, use them safely, ethically and wisely. 
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