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Keep Alive - SATA III to USB 3.0 Docking

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Thursday, November 29, 2018

View Count: 1269, Keywords: tripp lite usb 3.0 dock keep alive sleep, Hashtags: #trippliteusb3.0dockkeepalivesleep

something trivial and minor but relevant to my current db tasks.

My SQL db kept giving me a message about state of db error even though the database was there.. so at night I go into SQL management studio and for the primary db that I have on the external drive, I take the db offline and disconnect any live connections, and then turn off the drive. in the morning, I turn the dock on, and then go back into smss and bring the database back online. Just right click on DB and All Tasks | take on or off line.
the keep alive batch file I have on my desktop that runs is below:
@echo on
dir c:\windows\temp > j:\temp.txt
timeout /t 60 /nobreak > nul
goto loop
more to come..

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