Second Copy GmbH is truly useful for backups
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, March 13, 2022
View Count: 817, Keywords: Second Copy, GmbH, Backups, Hashtags: #SecondCopy #GmbH #Backups
For nearly a decade I have used Second Copy since version 7 all the way to the latest version. It truly is useful to copy drive for drive even across the network. Just make sure to specify correctly your copy method, append vs match exactly, and archive levels 1 or more, and then specify folders to omit; especially those that are interpreted as junctions where robocopy /xj is used, one must acknowledge loops in junctions that can be tricky.
update 3/18/2022 -- yeah yeah -- some folks asked me for a more professional list of backup solutions - well, i won't tell you because those are my clients solutions, and some are very expensive and I don't want my clients solutions / information exposed. To say the least, yes we have bigger and heavier and more enterprise solutions yet the middle and lower level solutions are just as good if not better if designed and implemented properly. I have a sneaky suspicion that those that don't have DR (disaster recovery) and BC (business continuity) in their IT professional experience and toolkit, might just believe in one off the shelf enterprise expensive solution (ahem, non-open source, and VMed and probably untested)... regardless; multi-vector DR and BC solutions are just 5-10% of your daily review and when zero day comes; the hardened multi-vectored solution is what makes your 1-3 day sprint more tolerable and explainable to stakeholders.
more to come...
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