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Happy Technology Tuesday and Maslow

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2022

View Count: 736, Keywords: Technology, Tuesday, Positive Planning, Good Thoughts, Perfect Execution, Hashtags: #Technology #Tuesday #PositivePlanning #GoodThoughts #PerfectExecution

Ah, another great Technology Tuesday. Here are some ideas that would be preferred in all my clients and organizations that I support:
1. backups - know your backups, know where your critical intellectual property is stored and secured
2. vocabulary - know your alphabetic phonetics; memorized; military style - A is for Alpha, B Bravo, C Charley, etc..
3. update your IT asset audit reports and notes for all items where the BSA might give you a ring and you can sleep easy
4. vacations and team synergy - make sure your teams know the vacation schedule, holiday schedule, and team synergy get togethers.
5. ensure your leadership knows the numbers ; A/P, A/R, CRM status, Reputation factors, KPIs and other metrics
That's about it. Be Happy. Don't Worry.
a colleague once mentioned Maslow to me a few weeks back, I nodded, knowing that Maslow is pretty cool to recite and yes, I did know what he completely meant. He was probably the first person I have met in about 15 years that cited Maslow. Good Stuff. Yes, I am there and more right along with him.
REF 1: https://militarybenefits.info/military-alphabet/
REF 2: https://www.bsa.org/
REF 3: https://www.thoughtco.com/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-4582571
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Explained
more to come...

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