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Backups not mentioned in 2022 latest news, yet

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2022

View Count: 842, Keywords: Backups, Importance, 2022, Not in the News, Yet, Hashtags: #Backups #Importance #2022 #NotintheNews #Yet

The irony, 2022 starts out the first month whereas backups are not a high priority against security threats.
Odd, I wonder why? Is it job security for the IT industry. I believe just the opposite. If  you don't plan and prepare, then there is no defense.
Most of my clients are on the obfuscation ghost copy and Carbonite plan that  works. Rolling incrementals and full are the way to go. Make sure your alerts, and triggers are working.
I had to upgrade the backup cycle of a few clients a few years ago, from daily to every 8 hours because employees and contractors were constantly screwing up parts of the file system, database tables, raw data and structures. Why? A lack of training.
I had one CFO who constantly was locking up the SQL server database designing and running reports that were way to weird. It was okay, she said she was a DBA in a few other companies and knew what she was doing. Okay. Keep locking up the database until you get it right. (grin, not). oh well,
more to come...

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