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Microsoft Windows VBA MS Access programming to do some random number theory testing

Microsoft Windows

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Sunday, January 9, 2022

View Count: 853, Keywords: VBA, MS Access, Random Number Theory, Hashtags: #VBA #MSAccess #RandomNumberTheory

I spent the better 1/2 of my Sunday doing some VBA programming in MS Access for some random number theory testing. It was fun. It was really refreshing to know that my VBA and SQL skills are still great to excellent.
My last project that concluded in November 2021 is now running in production on a monthly basis processing ~180+ million records, and crunches about 2-4TB of content depending on the target pull. Its amazing the analysis that comes from the original 600MB file ETL process, and then a C# tool that runs in 500 parallel processes at max in non peak network hours and 50 max processes during business hours to preserve network capacity for other business operations.
What I find amazing is that if your methods and formulas are good, and then tuned, and improved 4X, then ETL processing times reduce from 6 hours to 45 minutes, and swing/hit to swing/strike ratios stay around 9/1. The round trip processing of the ~180+ million is 45-60 up to 90 days, and this in parallel processing is quiet compute heavy.
For most that I work with, when it comes to prototyping a solution to a problem or question, start lite with your basic tools and scale up to performance code and infrastructure depending on your prototyping results.
Remember, a prototype is just a test to see if the fundamental concept is viable to pursue. Don't get married to your solution or tools. Just have a great strategy to rapidly test and then deploy a solution.
REF: https://www.random.org/
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