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Youtube Channel GGPCTU comments and feedback

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Monday, October 25, 2021

View Count: 1479, Keywords: YouTube, GGPCTU, Comments, Feedback, Hashtags: #YouTube #GGPCTU #Comments #Feedback

Its been almost 3 years now, and the comments and feedback on our YouTube Channel has been mostly good. We get a few hecklers yet for the most part 99% of the people like it, are cordial, and if they don't like it, well, thumbs down is fine. Hey, if it were me, it would be either comments, thumbs up, or nothing. The social media corporate folks still have not got it yet. They will.
For example, instead of voting no, just don't vote. This is the classic example of voting with your feet. Shop here, don't shop there. Yet for some reason, polarization is created by some organizations that thrive on the chaos and drama. They need to stop.
Mountain Computers has 158 video and I thought about making some unlisted or private yet then changed my mind. I did attempt to ascertain the value of B roll versus any A roll videos and I believe it was best just to keep it there since most of it is genuine, fair and honest, reasonable and prudent. Ethical? Yep.
REF: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKz4p8lkMkjmBKzZV3KCTzQ/videos
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