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2016 - full on court press, getting out of debt

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Monday, May 16, 2016

View Count: 1238, Keywords: 2016 andrew flagg mountain computers, Hashtags: #2016andrewflaggmountaincomputers

It was 2016, and nearly 70% of the debt occurred from the 2008 mortgage crisis, 2010 change in marital status, 2014 company 30-400% income hit, and we were still on track to get out of debt but one thing was keeping us back... income to expenses was nearly flat aside from all excess spending.
so what do we do? finish what we started and we were tracking for a 2017 to 2018 starting to see light and the end of the tunnel if we could get our gogreen pc tuneup software done, and stop making everyone else a millionaire and more and focus on our own success. we had know this to be an issue three times before and we were done with doing so much for others with little left for us in the end..
now was the time to pour it on, after 7 years of single, pray and ask for guidance - is this all there is and how the rest of life will be lived, or will there be a "two ducks" promise kept by His Almighty. The latter, and it did not take long...but it was not easy and it was amazingly crazy...
the next two years felt like 20 years, but it was definitely worth it... getting out of debt, becoming free, and happy and also dealing with bad clients and not letting so many abuse our time at the store..
more to come..

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