Email DNS TXT SPF record verification, testing, add, modification
by Mountain Computers, Inc., Publication Date: Thursday, July 22, 2021
View Count: 1474, Keywords: Email, Domain, DNS, SPF, TXT Record, Hashtags: #Email #Domain #DNS #SPF #TXTRecord
In the past year, we have had to help a few of our clients with Email reputation correction and mostly it has to do with just adding a TXT (text) SPF (the syntax is really SPF1) record to the email domain DNS.
It's pretty simple. To review and verify, just pull up a cmd prompt,
type nslookup
type set type=TXT
type {your domain name}
look at the results. if there are results, like
"v=SPF1..." something like that, you do have an SPF text record (it actually shows up at SPF1 not SPF); however, it does not get there by default. For nearly 3 years, I have put in SPF1 records for clients email domains in their DNS management portal to improve email reputation between email clients, email servers and email hosts.
for your email hosting provider, they will have a recommended SPF text record for your email server at their email hosting. There is more to the email reputation improvement than just an SPF record, there are two to three other things like DMARC DKIM, etc. Just look at some email from a client, and peek at the RAW Header text and you will see a much of gobbly gook and that SPF1 record will surely be there and if not, it will say missing, and if there, it will show verification
more to come...
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