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Green Software Foundation - the beginning long overdue - GGPCTU on Microsoft Windows and more

Microsoft Windows

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021

View Count: 2165, Keywords: Microsoft, Green Software Foundation, GGPCTU, Jeff Sandquist, Asim Hussain, Hashtags: #Microsoft #GreenSoftwareFoundation #GGPCTU #JeffSandquist #AsimHussain

This is great news. For 30 years, I (we) have been working on the concept of faster, stable, and less power, less waste, best to better than average usability. Since leaving Microsoft in 1997, and in 1998 since my NDA expired with Microsoft after 1 year, I said, we need to do something about this yet it took until 2006 to consider doing it manually at Mountain Computers rather than just for me and my computers. Then, in 2012 we(I) had an alpha then beta release on two platforms, and then in 2018 we released to the public our product.
We(I) was even approached some bigwigs in Hollywood about it back in 2015 to help with rendering movies faster; instead of weeks it would take hours; yet I had to divulge enough in confidential talks, to where they figured it out and they said thank you and appreciate the info - oh well. Glad they figured it out and gave me and my inventor mentor nothing other than a nice warm smile. Yep, algorithmic and not patent-able yet it works! They knew it. 3 year NDA expired in 2018.
In 2020, we considered open sourcing our product(s) and considering the good stuff the might become of it. Our hope(s) would be by 2030 we have 300 million installs of the GGPCTU solution - universal. Can you imagine the savings overall in productivity, energy, and morale.
For the Green Software Foundation, (love the name by the way) - I would look for a great board and leadership of those pragmatic, systematic, automatic, and loving software that does its job and still saves the planet.
I quote Jeff Sandquist, corporate VP of developer relations at Microsoft,
""The vision statement for for the foundation is to change the culture of software engineering," he told Axios. "So sustainability becomes a core priority to software teams, because right now when you're building software, you're making 100 trade offs in your mind. You're like, well, I can make it a bit faster but that might actually reduce the security. You're playing these trade offs constantly in your mind," he said."
In my response, you never compromise security for speed. You never ever do that. If you are then you should not be developing applications that are exposed to the Internet and mission critical systems. Its one thing to have a standalone toy or app like Tetris or Winword, and another thing like Crypto Crusher that sucks the power out of the Snake River and other forms of energy generation (hydro, nuclear, solar, wind).
We need responsible development, and that has been my mission for 30 years. Every line of code, and they talk about it in their interview, is a trade off, and while I see that as not the case, there is no trade-off. Do it right, be a wise developer and programmer from the start. I have looked at millions of lines of code and formulas, rewritten and refactored even my own code several times, and all in the effort of best practices.
Hopefully, and I quote:
"Asim Hussain, who is the green cloud advocacy lead at Microsoft and will chair the Green Software Foundation"
...will do an awesome job. It's easy to say something, its another to do it.
more to come...
REF 1: Jeff Sandquist - https://twitter.com/jeffsand/status/1397230302628622339
REF 2: Axios Brief - https://bit.ly/2QSebeX
REF 3: Go Green PC TuneUp™ - https://gogreenpctuneup.com
REF 4: GGPCTU on Twitter - https://twitter.com/GGPCTU
REF 5: GGPCTU Anomaly Detection for Temps and Performance - YouTube
REF 6: GSF evolves -> https://www.mountaincomputers.org/myBlog/myBlog.asp?mode=view&id=1348


From: Developer Support, Mountain Computers Inc
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2021 9:32 AM
To: 'Joaquin Prado'
Subject: RE: New submission on HubSpot Form "Green Software Foundation (GSF) - Membership Application"

Thank you Joaquin,

I appreciate your letter and feedback.

I have been the inventor, founder, developer and founder of the Go Green PC TuneUp™ since 1998. I know its commercial and I want to open source it eventually because its based on 30 years of computing performance, stability and usability on all platforms.  

Happy Memorial Day Weekend.



From: Joaquin Prado
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2021 5:53 PM
To: developersupport@mountaincomputers.org
Subject: Re: New submission on HubSpot Form "Green Software Foundation (GSF) - Membership Application"

Dear Andrew,
Thanks for your enquiry regarding the Green Software Foundation, GSF, Membership Application as a "General” member.
Unfortunately, at this moment in time GSF is only processing  "General” membership applications.
As you can see from the GSF Information Deck the cost of a General membership level goes from $5,000 to $40,000 depending on the number of employees in your company and if your company is or not already a member of Linux Foundation.
GSF is expecting to start accepting applications from "Contributors” - free of charge and it may include individuals - in about 3 months from now.
       In the meantime, we will keep your application in our database. We will get in touch once the "Contributor” membership application has been opened.
We suggest joining our newsletter to keep up to date of what is happening in GSF.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions.
Thank you and kind regards
Joaquin Prado
GSF Interim Program Manager

From: HubSpot Forms
Reply-To: HubSpot Forms
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 2:15 PM
To: "jprado@linuxfoundation.org"
Subject: New submission on HubSpot Form "Green Software Foundation (GSF) - Membership Application"


New submission on HubSpot Form "Green Software Foundation (GSF) - Membership Application"

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Company Name:
Mountain Computers Inc dba Go Green PC TuneUp™
Job Title:
Developer, Architect, Founder, Owner
General Membership

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     •    CONTACT
•    Andrew Flagg

     •    COMPANY
•    Mountain Computers
•    +1 775-287-9552


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Reno, NV

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