Build a PC for $400 or less by ZDNet
by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Monday, March 22, 2021
View Count: 794, Keywords: 400 Computer Build, ZDNet, Hashtags: #400ComputerBuild #ZDNet
While building a computer for $400 or less seems unworthy of my time and focus, I thought I would give it a go and check it out. Result. Not too bad yet not worthy of most of our computer builds yet the WD Blue 1TB should be really a 250GB or 500GB WD Blue SSD or Samsung 860 870 equivalent. Who uses platter drives anymore? Just backup your data regularly if you are using SSD drives.
Most of our builds are Ryzen 7 or Intel i7-8700K i7-9700K, and 16GB (2x8) or 32GB (1x32) DDR4 3000 RAM, 500GB or 1TB NVMe or SSD, 500 or 650W power supply (non-modular), and usually a X570, Z390 or B450 board or higher.
good stuff!! our pricing is quite a bit more yet we are getting great products and quality and the pricing is lowest as possible.
more to come...
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