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Strategy, Investments, Startups, IPOs, Innovation, Restructuring Organizations

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Saturday, February 27, 2021

View Count: 11768, Keywords: Public IPOs, Restructuring, Investments, Strategy, Hashtags: #PublicIPOs #Restructuring #Investments #Strategy

In the past year, we have seen a few new things in terms of strategy, investments, restructuring, and other forms of closing out business activities that are not revenue worthy, though revenue is achieved, the return on investment is not above the 4% growth target we are looking for.
So, with that being said, we have looked at EV and 5G related infrastructure investments and blank check investment startups and IPOs. Some are rather lucrative, and a few are just getting started. We have seen 200-300% returns and some as much as 1000% return. So, keep an eye out for infrastructure investing rather than end customer related investing.
The old saying, I want to manufacture the glue or toothpaste that every reseller or purveyor buys and repackages and resells. Be the wholesale investor where margins are larger, distribution is controlled and not direct and non-public facing, and more aligned with financial and executive types rather than public facing types.
my old saying was, "I want to talk to and have the meeting with the person who signs the checks."  Let's save everyone time and money and cut to the chase. Strategy is about optimization of time and resources. My time, my resources. Their time, their resources. Let's work together. Make a deal. Make everyone happy.
What is your game plan? Leverage, restructure, innovate, trim down and sell off certain assets.
For me, we have re-aligned and closed operations that are no longer valid, and invested in opportunities that have more of a potential upside in both short, middle and long term - more bullish rather than bearish. No shorts. Just short term pops and long term gains.
What does that mean for computers and computing support? It means; lean out operations, strategically invest in winners, and trim back on legacy items and build up on innovations within your vertical and horizontal pipeline.
For me, I just need to change gears completely, and just join an awesome set of teams that have forward moving strong targets. since 2013 through 2016, we had seen a shift in things, and by 2017 it was headed the way we are going; there was a strong headwind against retail per se, and by 2019, it was confirmed, and then COVID-19 hit in 2020, and that really put the gas on some things and slammed the brakes on other things -- preparation goes to the winner for battle is near; we shall see... be positive, we share, we care...
more to come...

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