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Twitch.tv is starting to show signs of maturity

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Friday, February 19, 2021

View Count: 987, Keywords: Twitch.tv, Maturity, DCMA, Copyright, Trademark, Pandora, Hashtags: #Twitch.tv #Maturity #DCMA #Copyright #Trademark #Pandora

Twitch.tv has been growing and growing for nearly 7+ years and some of my friends like Eric and Aman on ChessBrah who are coming of age, and up and comer CourtieBee's channel; well, let's just say, we have just got started and the hiccups and problems are smoothing out.
Other notable mentions are Spraggy and Lex who I love to run in the background while I am programming or doing some remote support work. Good times.
I do like the banter and battles between Eric of ChessBrah's and BotezLive - a good fun battle.
For chess enthusiasts and professionals, Twitch is becoming mainstream for game play and game watching, and tournaments, commentary, analysis and more. GMHikaru, GMCanty, GMBenjaminFinegold,
For me, I have a twitch.tv account for GGPCTU and while its not much, at least the setup and configuration is easy. I have a few family members I suggested can get on there and build their brand and market themselves as a side hussle and side gig. For me, my 7 followers came from a Courtiebee chat raid of 90 or so, and that was nice of her.
who knows! you just never know where lightning strikes for some and not others. enjoy the journey.
more to come...

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