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Voting - Video versus face to face, hand to hand hard and eyeball to eyeball survellience

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020

View Count: 1218, Keywords: Audit Control, Video, Face to Face, Hand to Hand, Eyeball to Eyeball, Hashtags: #AuditControl #Video #FacetoFace #HandtoHand #EyeballtoEyeball

In the midst of the elections and using mailed in ballots versus voting in person, versus electronic voting, where do we stand in 100% audit control?
Is 100% full control audit valid? Yes? No?
What measures are in place to ensure 100% compliance and security? video survellience, strong penalties, face to face, hand to hand, eye ball to eye ball, audit and re-audit controls and corrective actions that are swift and measured in their response, intentional or unintential errors and proportional responses.
In manufacturing and quality control, assembly line and other forms of work in progress, from raw materials to final product inspection, there are methods and tools in every industry to ensure 100% accuracy of product quality and 100% control.
At what cost? Are there bias and influential challenges?
I believe we can look at the existing system and how fully in control and under audit if it is 100% accurate on every ballot sent, received and processed and recorded, and re-validated under audit controls.
Let's see how the world does from state to state, county to county, city to city.
more to come...

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