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Microsoft Windows - Outlook - App security password versus email unsecure apps - technical support pain

Microsoft Windows

by Mountain Computers Inc., Publication Date: Monday, September 14, 2020

View Count: 1140, Keywords: Email, Outlook, The Elderly, Older People, App Security, Passwords, Email, 2FA, Pins, Hashtags: #Email #Outlook #TheElderly #OlderPeople #AppSecurity #Passwords #Email #2FA #Pins

I just had to deal with about 20 different elderly and older folks over the week regarding Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, IMAP, and App Security, 2 Factor Authentication...
and it is just getting worse. The methodology to secure your email should be a lot easier regardless of the protocol, technology, applications and provider.
It's just getting worse and worse. 
Biggest solution: Get rid of using Microsoft Outlook for your email. Just like when Microsoft retired Outlook Express and everyone loved it, even me. I was forced to the pig and elephant in the room called Outlook; that fat client.
Oh well, every enterprise organization is using something and if it is Outlook, they should just stop. It will save your technical support folks a million if not more pain in the butt headaches.
more to come...

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