GoGreen PC Tune-Up™
Mountain Computers Inc.
Every successful company and team have a set of tools that have been identified, developed, tested, and further tested for internal and/or external use. For Mountain Computers, we wish to share with you one of our toolsets. Questions? Call us!
Read more in our Addendum on how to effectively and efficiently use these tools...

CAVEAT EMPTOR: Mountain Computers suggests these tools. While one cannot hold Mountain Computers liable for their usage, we have to suggest that these tools have their own disclaimers and clauses about limited liability. We have tested these tools extensively and would not suggest them without due diligence. There are tips & tricks for using all of them. In the past 30 years, Andy and his connections with less than 2 other advanced experts have developed and suggested great ideas to the computing universe; yet these ideas and innovations always needs to be further explained; why these tools work well, and how to work them efficiently and effectively.
Internet Bill of Rights by Andy Flagg
read me...

Save some disk space and disable hiberation
at the command prompt type
>powercfg -h off

Clear out unnecessary tasks
Delete all the tasks in the following folders:

Note: If they are necessary, the operating system and tools that you have will rebuild them.

Hide or Show Administrator Account
net user administrator /active:no
net user administrator /active:yes

net user administrator active:no
net user administrator active:yes

Bypass password, and add user and add to administrators group

boot to cd/dvd
ren utilman.exe ren to utilman.old
copy cmd.exe to utilman.exe
type wpeutil reboot

after reboot - click on ada icon

create user account
net user username password /ADD)
note: one can leave the password blank

add to Administrators group
net localgroup "Administrators" "MemberName"/add
note: quotes are required

set password to all local accounts to not expire
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

IF windows boot to cd/dvd 8.x / 10 says Repair cannot be done because no permission, standard user no local administrator account, just set administrator account as active and re-attempt repair and voila!

net user administrator /active:yes

Windows 2012 R2 Standard -- OEM Evaluation Key just to get the OS installed and then activate with your purchased CALs


Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard

XP won't activate anymore - just renew the trial for 30 days, every 30 days.

At the cmd window, type "explorer" or "explorer.exe" and then go to the run box (WINDOWS KEY + R). Type the following exactly without the quotation marks: "rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk". This will renew the 30-day activation for Windows XP. Restart your computer after that.


Regedit HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents
set OOBETimer = FF d5 71 d6 8b 6a 8d 6f d5 33 93 fd
Change permissions on WPAEvents Key - User: System : DENY ALL
result: windows is already activated.
right click and view image (change permissions to allow administrator owner/full), then delete key leaving default and reboot server)
GoGreen PC Tune-Up™
Go Green PC Tune Up™ • 7 point - $89
Advanced Go Green PC Tune Up™ • 21 point - $129
Mountain Computers, Inc.
Computer Performance & Resources
. Internet Speed Test by SpeakEasy
. SourceForge Director / Open Source
. Free Software Directory / Open Source
. ARIN (MTN to be a future arbitrator)
. ICANN (MTN to be a future board member)
. SlashDot.org (MTN's favorite daily reading)
Programming Utilities
. ANSI ASCII control codes (for the old school bold and risk takers!)
. JavaScript Operators (for the bold and brave)
. JavaScript Tutorial c/o Udemy, c/o Tiffany T
. An Introduction to Javascript c/o WhoIsHostingThis c/o Carrie W.
. PFE32 Editor (Free Programmers Editor - I love)
. Notepad++ (Free Notepad Plus Plus)
Office Location / Address:
490 E 8th St. Reno, Nevada 89512
• Locate our store (map / satellite)
Phone Numbers:
Main Office (775) 287-9552
Regular Store Hours:
Please Call first. By Appt Only.
How to copy windows os from copy
protected dvd to usb flash drive?



it will show the USB and the hard disk installed on the system.
select the USB disk no "x"


manually reset permissions on drive / folder (BETA!!)

:: be sure to specificy Administrators Group on the command line

take ownership:
takeown /R /F *

reset perms
icacls * /T /Q /C /RESET

Office 2003
Activation trick -- Office 2003 Professional would not activate because the license server may not work, and phone activation does not work anymore, and/or the Product Key used was already previously activated and won't reactive.

Found undocumented Activation Support number (888) 652-2342, Question: Activate Office XP answer no, Question: activate Small Office Accounting answer no, then pause, and then asked Do you have an Activation code on your screen, and answer Yes, give the code, and then an additional question asked to verify license, how many computers is Office 2003 installed on? answer 1 "one", the response answer code was given and activated just fine.
Windows 8.0/8.1

If you have help files that that are in the previous version pre-Windows 7, Microsoft has provided WinHelp32 tools for your application.

Windows 32 Help Platform Information
Windows Server 2012 RDP Bug

Cannot login -- locate this registry entry, delete it and reboot -- Registry fix -- solution
You receive a "The User Profile Service failed the logon” error message

Base Filtering Engine (BFE) service is missing: why did it happen
and how to restore it
Emoticons for Facebook and Craigslist

http://fsymbols.com/all/ (the best link)


rem - Created by Carlos P at a time when programmers could not help IT.. Carlos made it happen

@echo off

net user "username" "password" /PASSWORDCHG:NO /add
WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE "Name='username'" SET PasswordExpires=FALSE
net localgroup "Administrators" "username" /add
net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" "username" /add

rem -- open port (first argument passed to batch script)
rem netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="RuleName" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80,443,1066,1433,8221,587,2430,3333-3356

rem -- open port (first argument passed to batch script)
rem netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="RuleName" dir=out action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80,443,1066,1433,8221,587,2430,3333-3356

rem do this
c:\windows\system32\powercfg.exe -change -disk-timeout-ac 0
c:\windows\system32\powercfg.exe -change -disk-timeout-dc 0
c:\windows\system32\powercfg.exe -change -standby-timeout-ac 0
c:\windows\system32\powercfg.exe -change -standby-timeout-dc 0
c:\windows\system32\powercfg.exe -change -hibernate-timeout-ac 0
c:\windows\system32\powercfg.exe -change -hibernate-timeout-dc 0

rem or just do the following
c:\windows\system32\powercfg.exe -h off

Windows 8/8.1 Drive Locked solution

Solution to "drive where windows is installed is locked"
Note we had to assign drive letter to c:

Solution to "Drive where windows is installed is locked" (UEFI Mode)


PayPal IPN History - where did it go?

The new PayPal for Business interface doesn't seem to provide any readily apparent way to view IPN History at present. You can Switch back to Classic (under the More menu) and find it at My Account > History > IPN History. Without switching back to Classic, you can use this link to access IPN History directly once you're already logged into PayPal:


Windows 10/7 startup menu location
In case you can't remove items from the Windows 10 menu, by right clicking it and saying delete.. you can delete it here..

%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs (mine only)
%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs (everyones)

windows 8.1 activation codes - You can use generic product key.
Windows 8.1 (Not Pro): 334NH-RXG76-64THK-C7CKG-D3VPT
Windows 8.1 Pro: XHQ8N-C3MCJ-RQXB6-WCHYG-C9WKB

Fix time on server c/o NTP.org

net stop w32time
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"0.it.pool.ntp.org 1.it.pool.ntp.org 2.it.pool.ntp.org 3.it.pool.ntp.org"
net start w32time
w32tm /config /update
* next client only
w32tm /resync /rediscover
Windows 8.1 - Import from phone or camera not working anymore. autoplay reset to defaults not working. the checkbox to auto-import not working.

You can get the "old" functionality back by creating a shortcut:

Right-click desktop, "new shortcut"

Paste the following in as the location:

%SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\photoAcq.dll",PhotoAndVideoAcquire

hit next and type a name - e.g. photo import wizard

Hit finish

Last updated June 26, 2018 © 2006-2025 Mountain Computers Inc. All rights reserved.